

SideshoViD Wearing long sleeves out tonight! Fall is here! 🍃 #whotookthephoto

September 26, 2018



SideshoViD Storm's brewin' ☕

September 20, 2018

SideshoViD @sideshovid· Jun 11, 2017

It’s not the heat; it’s the dew point.




SideshoViD Should we have the meeting in Boston or Dallas? Well it's February, so Boston obviously.

February 19, 2014



SideshoViD Whelp, that's it. Civilization as we know it is over. #icepocalypse #snowmageddon

December 6, 2013

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:17 pm

I had a couple of firsts today. I've been riding the Vespa to work every day. I'm currently averaging 85 miles per gallon and I went an entire week without driving my car once. I'm over the learning curve hump and am actually starting to relax a little bit on my hog and enjoy the open air. I'm still cautious, though, because I check the weather every morning before I ride to make sure it isn't going to rain. Today's forecast said a 30% chance of rain, so off I went putting down the street. By lunch time the sky was starting to darken, so I ran out the door, hopped on my scooter and sped off as fast as I could toward home. My plan was to get home and drive my car right back.

I made it as far as Midway before the sky all around me turned black. Gale force winds blew leaves high in the air in swirling patterns and threw me from my balance a few times. I was already going slow, but I kept having to slam on the brakes and put my feet down. Not just to catch my balance but to then brace myself against the blast. It was so scary. And yet for some reason I was laughing and enjoying myself. When it finally started to rain, I pulled into the first parking lot I came to and ran inside. It was a delightful office furniture store with a very friendly staff. They advised me to park under the alcove of the front door so my scooter wouldn't blow over. One tree fell on a guy's car when I was there. It was an insane storm that only lasted about 30 minutes. But we all were like away from the windows and fearing the worst. When it cleared a bit I ran the gauntlet back home and all was well.

But it was the first time I've ridden my Vespa in a tornado. And hopefully the last.

My next first was when I got home from work. I decided to go by myself to a hip-hop dance class. My gym offers a different class every night and they're all free. So I've decided to attend them all. I have kick boxing on Thursday. Hip-hop dance was pretty fun. It was basically an instructor trying to teach me and 3 fat women how to do a dance routine. Only we were all terrible so it easily filled the entire hour. I wasn't too too bad, even though the kick-ball-change took me a while to get down. I'm definitely not a hip-hop dancer by trade. It doesn't lend itself well to my clear-a-one-arm-radius-in-front-of-the-mirror dance style. Even so, I still warned Daniel that when I got home, he was getting served.

She said next week we should bring a friend because we're going to be battling. Who's in?

So much for global warming
Saturday, April 7, 2007 3:08 pm

I really wanted to lay out today like I did last weekend. My goal is to lay out every weekend before Mexico so I won't reflect all of the sunlight away from the beach. But I was especially excited to use my new cooler that I got from Target. It's super cute and holds 24 beers. Unfortunately, I can't realistically go lay out ... because it's fucking snowing. Like not a little bit, but really actually snowing. It's April for xrist's sake. I think this cycle of the earth warming and cooling is on like a 4 year cycle.

Anywho, so I find myself layin around with nothing to do, which is why I'm here talking to you losers. Daniel and I went to look at an apartment today but since it went on the market yesterday and is still occupied, it can only be viewed during specific times on weekdays. So Daniel's going to look at it on Monday. It's got a fireplace, a balcony, a pool view, a large mezzanine, a spiral staircase, two bedrooms, two baths, and a view of the circle out the other side. Online it looks perfect and the girl at the leasing office said it was a really cool apartment and would probably go fast. Which means our original plan of moving in together in December, and our revised plan of moving in together in June, has just been moved forward to as soon as we can get into this new apartment.

It makes a lot of sense. For one it's the next logical step in our relationship. That's the main reason. But also because it's way more square footage for less money. And while living across the street from each other has been wonderful, realistically, we practically live together already.

If things go well we might move in at the end of May. Which would be crazy but fun. I just hope we have some sort of overlap in our leases so we can just get a couple dollys and cart our furniture through the park to the circle. If anybody has a truck maybe that would make more sense. I'll be sure to keep you all post-ed on if we get it or not. Later, bulges.

The good news
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 8:13 pm

The good news is, Katie came over to try on her dress and it fit her like a guhlove. It looked like I had measured her or had some semblance of an idea what I was doing -- neither of which are true. I need to finish putting in the zipper and then decide what to do with the length/hem and it's party ready. She said she actually likes it and I just decide to believe her because it makes me feel all tingly in my bathing suit area.

And there's no bad news. Sorry. Today I got home from work and was perusing my Addison! Circle newsletter and it had an advertisement for the Dream Cafe. It said it had lots of vegetarian and vegan menu options, so I wanted to try it. Oh, also, just fyi, I'm totally not a vegan anymore. I am still trying, but just failing more and more often. I eat cheese like every day, fish once or twice a week, and I've had a teeny bit of chicken twice. So I totally fell off the boat and can no longer in good conscience call myself a vegan, but I'm still trying. Gotta get in shape before the family Mexico trip because I'll have many people to impress.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, Dream Cafe. Since it was a cardio day, I decided in lieu of our usual Circle bike ride, we should venture across the Tollway to try this place. It was kind of far away and we had to cross a major highway during rush hour, but other than that it was a pleasant ride. I enjoyed my black bean nachos (with cheese) and Daniel had some ahi tuna. And as we were commenting on how delicious the food was, the perfectly clear and sunny 85 degree skies turned black and a torrential downpour spilled forth from the heavens. Unphased, we asked for a plastic bag, but our belongings inside of it and headed home through the rain. It let up a little bit as we were riding and it was downright pleasant. Soaking, yes, but pleasant. So much so that as soon as we made it home, I coaxed Daniel into an extra lap around the circle. We were, like, the only people out. We figured anyone that saw us would just assume we were severely dedicated to our bike rides. I guess some percentage of that statement is true.

0%. What? Zero is a percentage.

And now here I am freshly showered, warmed up, dried off, and a little big miffed we missed Sanjina on American Idol. g*d, I hope he wins the whole thing. He's such a fucking train wreck. I think this weekend my friend Adam! may come lay out by the pool again like we did last weekend with many, many pitchers of freshly made pina coladas. Some of you should join. We had a blizzast. Have a good week, have-nots. Czech you on the flip siiiiiide.

Homeless in Seattle
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 7:04 pm

In Seattle, it is difficult to tell the homeless from the homeful. Stereotypes about early 90s grunge still dominating here are understatements. I've done my best to adapt by not shaving for 3 weeks, but I'm afraid that without a vintage hobo jacket, tattered Converse, and a pair of cords, no one will ever believe me.

This morning there was about 3 inches of snow accumulated on the ground. You could hardly tell where the curbs and the roads were. I was nervous about driving until I walked on it and there was a surprising amount of traction. My original plan to do a controlled 360 into a parking spot ala Undercover Brother was shot to hell. The weird thing was that by 9am, all the snow had melted. Some freak warm rain storm came through and melted ALL of it. And tonight it's supposed to be back in the 20s. I love talking about the weather.

While I was here I got to go have beers with Stuart. It was really fun. That guy hasn't changed at all except his hair isn't purple and he has no lip ring. I will hopefully see him again before I leave. His sister was visiting him or something and bogarting his time, but I think she left today.

Boy oh boy am I ever ready to get home. I've got a 6 cup tournament with Ryan and Todd scheduled for Saturday night. Daniel's going with me. Anybody else want to chance a trip to Arlington? Scary shit there.

Um, I just felt obliged to update. I really didn't have much to say.

Worst. Post. Ever.

Wastin’ away again in Ritaville
Thursday, September 22, 2005 2:11 pm

Run! Here comes Hurricane Rita! To the left you'll see the latest image of Hurricane Rita as she approaches the Texas coastline. Damn, she looks delicious. Everyone and their dogs (literally) are evacuating Galveston and Houston. I've heard it's pretty chaotic. I45 is all lanes northbound at the moment. My brother left Houston like 12 hours ago and is just now making it to Dallas. This shit is scary. They say that it could still be a Category 1 hurricane when it hits Dallas. Fuck! We're gonna get flooding rain this weekend. I know it could be worse if I lived on the coast, and I hope everyone there is okay. Luckily, I live on the 3rd floor, so all of my things should be okay, in case you were worried. I probably shouldn't make jokes like photoshopping a devastating storm onto a frosty glass, but meh, what'reyagonnado?

In other noise, my CPAP doesn't work. In a little twist of irony, I managed to acquire myself a little head cold the day that my machine came home with me. My nose is completely stuffed. No air in, no air out, therefore the CPAP does nothing. Sucks. I still haven't gotten to experience real sleep, but as soon as I do, you'll all be the first to know. Oh well, at least I still look like this while I sleep.

Everyone be safe this weekend, get the fuck away from the gulf, and if any evacuees need a place to stay, you're more than welcome to come here. Now let's all go get a 'rita!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Solstice
Wednesday, December 22, 2004 4:58 pm

You all know how much I hate the rain. And you all know how much I hate the cold. The bastard child of their unholy union is infinitely worse. I fucking hate the snow. I woke up this morning to the sound of sleet against my window, thought, "Fuck that," to myself, and rolled over and went back to sleep. Needless to say, I was about an hour late to work. Then I checked and saw this massive wall of ice sweeping across the nation, thought, "Fuck that," to myself, and went home.

I was there for all of an hour, most of which I spent learning Chinese from Yue. She found the greatest Chinese restaurant, she claims, but they have separate menus for those who speak their language and for those of us with white skin. I want the good shit, not the white person menu, so I made her teach me how to say, "I can understand you," so I can get some respect when they start talking shit about me in Chinese.

Wa ke yi ming bai ni, bitch.

This little picture collage I made for you are pictures from my bedroom window. So that's not my building, but the building across the street. I have always said, I have the BEST fucking view from my apartment ... if you like water towers. That picture on the far left is of my building, all the little awnings have snow on them. Awwww.

So I spent the day napping, working out, cooking myself food. Just a little Solstice gift from yours truly to yours truly. Now I have off from work until Monday. Thursday the new club, Station 4, opens downtown, then its time to open presents, celebrate the supposed birth of my supposed lord and saviour, jebus h. christ. After that, I should be around to update you all. Have a wonderful holiday, whichever religion, or lack thereof, you prescribe to! Peace on earth, and good will toward me!

Beenie’s believin’
Friday, November 7, 2003 3:07 pm

I don't think I've ever said this before in my life, but I am really glad that it's finally cold. I usually feel the same way about cold as I do about rain, but this year is different. Maybe it's because now I own several fabulous beenie's I can't wait to start wearing every day. Maybe its because the weather has waited well into November to finally dip below 80 degrees. Maybe it's because I've been keeping up with forms of physical therapy and haven't felt the stabbing pains of cold in my knees lately. Maybe I'm just growing up and have decided to accept the fact that seasons exist. Whatever the reason is, I say bring it on. I'm ready.

Speaking of it being November, you all know what that means right. Even though I tend to celebrate this holiday year round, its still more fun to have THANKSGIVING! in November. I'm not sure what's going to happen exactly this year, but I know I'll be celebrating with at least a 16lb turkey and I know that you're all invited. All you have to do to come to my feast is bring something: side dish, bread, wine, a centerpiece, I don't care. There's a chance that Allison won't be joining us this year which would mean that we'd be missing out on green bean casserole, candied yams, and pumpkin pies. So hopefully she'll decide to stay and play.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you all the heads up so you can start rearranging your scheds to accommodate me. I'm expecting to see you all here. Peace out, have-nots.

Hungover on a Friday? Noooo
Friday, November 15, 2002 1:24 pm

Same thing, different week. I am a slave to routine. Last night me and Ryan and AllieD headed out to Northgate. There were minor differences this week. Like the fact that AllieD's boyfriend Jamie went with us. Todd, Joel and Daniel went with us too but they had to take a separate car. We started out at the Library. That's always fun, even though it was like totally empty. So when that got boring we headed over to MadHatters. I had a lot of fun there. Me and Ryan and some guy I didn't know took a jaunt over to Kyoto Sushi for a Sake Bomb. Those are so nasty but so fun to take. Then we finally ended up at Duddleys.

The weather kind of sucked. It rained on me at least one time and really hard. Good thing that new jacket I bought at Structure is like water proof. I was not aware of that but the water just beaded up on it and rolled off. So at the end of the night AllieD and Jamie got into some drunken argument and Jamie left but forgot he had her keys. So AllieD drove my car home and then used my phone to call him and get him to come get her. I hope they kissed and made up.

I'm trying to think of something non-alcoholic to tell you guys. Everyone must think I'm such a lush. But really everything else in my life is boooring. I was gonna make that PRSSA webpage but in the end I really didn't feel like it so I asked my friend, Shan, if he would make it for me and then I'd give him the money. So he did. The girl hasn't contacted me about when she wants to buy the disk of files from me. I think I'm going to cut some pages out of a book and put the disk in there and then when she pays me put the money in there. Like Neo, for those of you who didn't catch that reference. Yeah, I think I'm rambling now so I bid you all adieu. Have a good Friday and if you're doing anything fun, invite me.

New Shoes
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:03 am

Yay! I got new shoes. So I can't technically afford them, but that's what credit is for, right? They're Sketcher Sports. They look kinda like the Diesel shoes I've been wanting for forever, but now everyone has them and these are a little bit different. So its all good. I decided to go to the mall today randomly by myself cause I've been needing brown shoes for a long time, ever since I left my old ones at the hotel at Allison's step brother's wedding. Now I have some. So I'm excited about that.

I also need a new beanie to wear now that its frickin' cold. I hate the cold and I hate cold fronts, and I hate rainy cold days, like it was today. I have the grey one I bought in Germany and that's served me well for a long time, but I want a new one that's thicker and warmer. So if anyone knows where to find a good one, please let me know. Everything else today was rather uneventful. I have to do some stuff for school tomorrow and then I'm going to bed. So I will see you all tomorrow. Have a grrrreat day.

Rallying the troops
Saturday, September 7, 2002 3:33 pm

Last night I decided I wanted to go out. I had my out-fit on. So I went over to Allison's to discuss the proposition. To make a long story I don't wanna tell into a short story, two and a half hours later, it was decided that we would indeed, go to Northgate. This was around 11:30, which means we didn't step foot into a bar until midnight. By 'we' I mean 'me, Allison, and Katie.' There was a line for The Library (where I really wanted to go) so we opted for the new MadHatter's ... since none of us had been in there yet. It was pretty neat. They played nothing but 80's music the whole time, so I guess its kinda fun to have a themed bar on Northgate. Their drink specials were chocolate martinis for $2.50. That really didn't sound appetizing to me, but I didn't want to be left out, so I opted for an apple martini for a couple bucks more. Mmmk, if by 'apple martini' they meant 'a big glass of sour apple pucker.' Needless to say, I didn't really enjoy my drink much. Allison and Katie didn't much appreciate their chocolate/alcohol concoctions either. It was a little disappointing. We did run into some of our neighbors there, though, and talked to them for a while. And I saw one of my friends from elementary school and said hi to him for a while. All in all, I had a lot more fun that if I had just gone to bed.

I don't know about Princess tho, she was about as sour as my drink. We got home and she went to bed pretty much. I drank a couple beers and watched an episode of Cheers and then went home and drank my last beer. I was all alone and bored and getting drunk and I needed some company, some conversation, and another beer. So who did I call? Naturally, I called Holly. What a class act. She drove over to my place with 2 beers so we could sit and chat and share a drink. She's too cool. After that I called Keith to make sure he was alright cause it was like 4am and he's usually home before that. Turns out this kid decides to drive to Austin with Burns last night just spur of the moment cause they were bored. Whaaaatever. So then I went to bed and woke up today hearing a howling pouring rainstorm. So I rolled over and went back to sleep. I hate rain.

I heard my Aggies won 14-12 against Pitt. That's good news. Too bad I didn't get up to actually watch the thing, but oh well. Not sure what's on the plate for tonight, but I know I wanna get out of the house at least and mingle a little bit. We'll see what happens and I'll keep you all posted.

No mo school
Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:27 pm

Well, as Fukia-san would put it, "Summer school is OVAH!" Not too shabby. I had my final yesterday and I think I did well enough on it to get me my B. If I didn't, I'd be quite devastated. We celebrated the end of the summer session by heading out to Shadow Canyon for karaoke night. Turns out about 10,000 other students had that same idea. On top of that, Don Gainer (the man who owns every bar on Northgate and is very, very evil -- for those who don't live here) had the bright idea to go ahead and shut off the air conditioning. Needless to say we didn't stay long. We headed over to Fitzwilly's to have a few beers and play some pool.

Earlier in the day I got up around 9:30 and got ready for my final at 10:30. The stupid proctors were a good 15 minutes late, which resulted in the prof giving us all an extra point. Every little bit helps. The test didn't take me too long and then I hit the lab. Previously in the week, I was on the verge of quitting this summer project because I didn't think there was any way I would be able to finish. I was extremely pessimistic. But I was like, "I'll go one more day, it won't do any good but maybe I'll have some miraculous breakthrough and everything will just fall into place." Well, as unlikely as that sounds thats exactly what happened. I can't exactly explain it to you in great detail if you're not in my major, mostly cause you don't give a shit, but out of about 40 files and endless pages of code ... this is all that I changed:
always @ (posedge clk) begin to
always @ (negedge clk) begin
and it instantly went from a worthless piece of shite giving me a headache to a perfectly operating microcontroller. Granted, once it started working I noticed a few hundred bugs and kinks, but those are pretty easy to work out, they just take time. Its a race to the finish line now. And I don't have the 18-25th basically cause of Vegas and my brother's wedding. After that I went and caught dinner with Will since he was leaving for Houston to stay there for good. We went to On the Border, but I wasn't much in the mood to eat so I didn't exactly murder my enchiladas. After that I went home and fell fast asleep. I didn't wake up until 10:30 so I got a pretty late start at the drinking and didn't do much of it.

Right now I need to go work on my project but it is thundering and raining and I really don't want to go to campus and walk thru this. I really can't afford a day off though. It sucks. I'd only have about 3 hours to work if I did go so many I'll just get up at 8 tomorrow and spend the whole day in lab. And just on a final note, my page is not always updated daily. Sometimes I'm busy with things like debugging 100's of lines of code during which I don't like sassy comments about my hiatus. This site is updated daily ... or close enough for you, bitch. 'Nuff said.

Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:53 am

Hey, thanks for all the great comments yesterday *makes masturbatorial motion* Anywho, some people grasped the concept, the rest of you, I'll have to have a talkin to. So, to everyone in Aggieland, is it fucking cold enough for you today? My God, I don't know what the temperature is, but the wind chill must be below freezing. I wasn't wearing a single article of clothing today that could block the wind. Today sucks. And I have to go back out in it in a couple of hours. I'm gonna maybe take a nap or watch some TV for a couple minutes. Then I'm gonna go get Lisa Loeb's new album. It's gonna be most excellent. If you want to hear her new single, Someone You Should Know, on Real Player, you can click there. Then I'm gonna go get some tickets for me and Keith to Thursday's showing of The Vagina Monologues. Then its off to class for the rest of the day. It should be a fun and exciting, albeit subfreezing, day.




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