About three weeks ago they put a Krystal Burger near my apartment. Since then, the lines to eat inside have wrapped around the interior of the restaurant repeatedly until it was solid people. The drive-thru line went so far beyond wrapping around the building that the entrance to join the line was about 2 blocks away from the restaurant. Talk about your word of mouth! You couldn't get this shit for any less than a 2 hour wait. I decided to wait until the lines died down to go try it. It is on the way to my gym, so I was able to monitor the popularity every single night when I work out ... every single night.
Tonight on the way home, I noticed there was no line inside, so a few evasive maneuvers through traffic later, I was ordering my Krystal Burger Combo #1. Four hamburgers, fries, and a drink. In case any of you aren't from up north (or Addison) and don't know what Krystal burgers are, they are tiny little hamburgers that you're supposed to eat a bunch of at once. Okay, now the verdict.
*cue that People's Court theme song*
These burgers made me want to technicolor yawn ... I'm talkin liquid laugh all over the table. They were GROSS! Fuck! Don't waste your time on this shit. These hamburger patties make McDonalds patties look like t-bone fucking steaks. I did not take the time to measure them, but I would estimate their thickness at around half of a centimeter. And to top it all off, they weren't even good. There was more onion and pickle than meat. Of course, that's no surprise when you make your burgers out of beef stationary. In short: KRYSTAL BURGERS SUCK!
Next order of business... HAPPY 21ST FUCKING BIRTHDAY, THOMMI!!1!!1 Yay! Thommi is a real boy! Now when we hang out we can both indulge equally in that sweet, sweet elixer of life called alcohol. I'm going to go to College Station this weekend with Sean Wardle to take Thommi out to celebrate. Friday I'm taking Sean to Halo but Saturday, we're gonna pick up Thommi and go out to Northgate. Nothing too ornate or elaborate, but should be fun nonetheless.
Last item of business... AllieD just told me a little story about her education major friend, Jennifer. The AllieD Times describes her as "smart and beautiful and witty." The first time Jennifer read my webpage, she decided she was in love with me, despite us having never met. The only things she really knows about me are what I post online and what AllieD has told her, which has been extensive, granted. She sent this picture to AllieD to show how she pictures me.
AllieD, we need to talk about what you've been telling this girl.
Buddy Commentary
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:10 am
I certainly couldn't go a week without blogging. I haven't done that in ages. Time's a little tight right now because it's midnight and I'm gonna be a wreck at work tomorrow. Big news! I worked 8 hours today. Like actually produced real programming that will be used in a real project for 8 hours. And I'm gonna do it again tomorrow. Things are looking up. So the job, while I still go on the public records as hating it, is looking up. My hair gets longer every day, it's quite shaggy. And I've decided to stop shaving yet again. If I ever hit puberty and the facial hair fills in, I'll let you all see it. My workout routine is going well. I am starting to regain my flexibility, and it feels so good to work out after work. I just need to find some goggles so I can start swimming again.
Went to College Station this weekend. It was pretty fun. Ryan Hudler drove and we went and watched Daniel dunk his ring (120 seconds). We "stayed" at Todd's even though I neglected to sleep there either night. We went to Margarita Rocks with Allison, Lindsay, her underage sisters, AllieD, Jennifer, and another pretty girl whose name escapes me. Then we went to a little keg get-together out in the country and Tommy showed up. I shocked Fucking Frank with my lighter. Everyone finally realized why I think it's so funny. From there we hit Northgate. Ran into Roper Joe, that was a blast from the past. Saw Brian and Justin. Owen walked over from campus and Keith was a horrible influence on me. Owen and I got split from the group and decided to take CARPOOL home but it was taking too fucking long so I woke up Marshall and made him take Owen home and then slept in his bed. I'm trying to drop every name possible. If I forgot you, leave a sassy comment and I'll insert you into the list and pretend like you were always there. It will be hilarious.
The next day I was hungover like the entire day. It sucked, but was pretty expected. Lunch with AllieD, back to sleep on Todd's couch the rest of the day. I woke up at 1:30am and had Dustin come pick me up and drank over at his place with Raul. Spent the night on the ground accidentally. Came home the next day. I breezed over a lot of details, obviously, but I had a really great time. Thanks for driving, Ryan!
Whenever I meet someone new, or get someone's screen name for the first time, I always ammend it with a buddy comment. I'm not sure if anyone else uses these but they're a g*dsend to me. I put people's names, jobs, home towns, physical descriptions ... anything I might want to know, or pretend I've remembered later. You should all be using them. Anyway, sometimes the descriptions of someone I've met for the first time, and later become close friends with, are a tad outdated. They tend to be on the insulting side from time to time, so I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by posting names, but one of them that I just edited the other day said, "that impudent little imp." If you want to know if you have a buddy comment, hit me up with an IM.
And in final news, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO TOPHER (known affectionately by some as Yale Boy). I meant to call him at midnight, but then I realized that I don't understand time zones, so I'd better just call him when he gets out of class tomorrow. But this is my proof that I've been thinking about him and did not forget. (And no, I didn't use a buddy comment to remember.) I love you, kid, have a wonderful birthday, a kick@ss summer, and stay cool.
Tuesday, June 1, 2004 2:12 pm
Welcome to June, everybody. The date of my departure is nigh. I'm thinking I'm gonna go to Austin on Friday to stay with Leslie and hang out with Brandon and then head back to Dallas to await my start date. I have to be at work at 8am. This is going to be quite a challenge. The only way its going to possibly happen is if I'm in bed by 10pm. I'm not sure I'm ready for that lifestyle, though if you asked my body it would probably disagree. Who knows, though. Maybe work will just be a blast. I'm getting to do design instead of installation so that is good news.
Two nights ago, Allison and I got krunk on Coors and sat out back of Northgate drinking our free beer. On the way home, I was absolutely starving, as I've been saving money by only eating once a day whilst in College Station. We decided to stop through Whataburger (duh!). I just wanted to let you all know that this is a possibility, in case it had not occured to you previously. We got four bacon, egg and cheese AND sausage AND potato taquitos. Omega, get excited. They were incredible. And when I saw my friend who now recognizes me at Whataburger, I told her, "Oh yeah and also throw in a handful of fries for free." And she did! How fucking rad is that. I love her. I had to tell this story since there was a request for it on the last post.
You know what I was thinking about the other day? When you just kind of meet someone one day but don't really know them ... but every time you run into them you're obliged to say hello. And we call these people "Hi" buddies. Well when I'm online, I have "Hey. Sup? NM. Coo." buddies. Chew on that.
And the party continues …
Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:23 pm
Once again, alcohol was involved in my night. What makes this even better than the party that was rockin on Sunday during the Britney concert, is that this was a Monday night. So fun. The occasion for last night's festivities was Brian's 21st birthday. Everyone together now, "Happy birthday, Brian!" It was quite an ordeal to finally decide that I would be in attendance. I got home from working out with Thommi and didn't feel like drinking or spending money, but 27 and Marshall wanted to go, so I went. Like it took a whole lot of convincing or something. And of course I got shitcanned and spent a bunch of money, but it was a blast. Kyle was there.
After hitting up Fitzwillies, Mad Hatters, and Gatsby's (the new bar on Northgate, very chill, I liked it) we headed back to Aaron's apartment. Aaron had recently busted out of jail, so I bought him several drinks. I kinda feel like I owe him for his superiour bartending skills. I don't think we did a whole lot at Aaron's but sit around and shoot the shit. At one point I was laying on the floor, and as I was too lazy to get up, Justin was kind enough to pour the remnants of a bottle of wine into my mouth. Now that's service!
By far the highlight of my evening was Big Jeff, who was waiting for us back at the apartment. A few people were chillin there when we arrived. Anyway, back to my story. He had everyone's attention in a large round table discussion and went to tell a story about some friends of his. Honest to g*d, the story went like this: "Jeff, Jeff, Jeff and I," said Jeff. I thought it was hilarious, as did Kyle. That was the first thing Kyle IMed me with this morning (or afternoon, for you sun dwelling people).
I have got to go to campus and work on this project that was due 2 weeks ago. I don't know what I'm gonna do but there's a bunch of people in the same boat so at least that's comforting. But instead, I think I'm going back to bed. Later, sluts. Later, Kyle.
Most fun I’ve had in a long time
Sunday, September 28, 2003 12:13 pm
Let me add one more rule to my list of Aggie Ettiquite. After the game, go home and shower, people. It's cool to go directly to Northgate from the game, but it is not cool at midnight to be still standing around in your sweat drenched Maroon Out shirt trying to spit game. Honestly.
So Allison and I came home and showered and then went up to Northgate. That was pretty fun. I got to see some people from high school and my old roommate Cade, who apparently has cleaned up his act. Always a good time when Cade's around. So we had a couple beers on Northgate and then decided to go check out this big party that was going on. We said our goodbyes, made our way to the front of Duddley's and then made a break for it across University to the dorms where we had parked. Next thing I notice is a cop has altered his predetermined course to turn into the dorm parking lot as though he were coming after us. I jokingly recalled the story when Todd got pulled over for jaywalking and told Allison the same was going to happen to us. Telling that story might have been a bad idea.
Because we decided to avoid him. When he was on the right side of the cars, we walked on the left. As he circled around we meandered through the cars. It was becoming more and more apparent to us that this dude was trying to talk to us, so we darted through the cars and went to Moore for a while. I needed to pee and I was seeing if anyone I knew was there. My old summer roomie John was outside. So then it was time to make a break for the car. We figured that there was no way this guy was going to expend anymore energy than he already had on a stupid jaywalking ticket. Wrong. He was still there waiting for us. We went behind the dumpsters and around and got to my car without him being able to talk to us. Success.
Wrong. We pull out of the parking lot onto University and the fucking cop pulls out right behind us. At this point I'm considerably alarmed, but I don't want to say anything to Allison and get her paranoid. Turns out, she was thinking the same thing. Just to check that he was actually following me, I thought I'd get in the left lane and let him pass me. Wrong. I got in the left lane and he switched lanes as well. So now I'm officially being tailed by a cop, and I cannot show up to a party with 5-0 on my tail, so I change my destination from the party to not-the-party. And I guess the fact that I was switching back into the right lane to try and get away let him know that this was the end of the road and he hit the lights and pulled me over.
Now I'm thinking to myself that jaywalking is not that big of a deal and everyone does it, he sure did go to great lengths to catch me. So I hand him my license and he says "The reason I pulled you over was because you're wearing a black shirt." [Insert dramatic pause] WTF? Well, as the story goes, someone in a black shirt was shooting paintballs at people on Northside that night, so I guess its common practice for the police department to pull over anyone coming from Northgate wearing black, since it is, by all means, a rare and hard-to-find shirt color. Although it was fun explaining why we were totally avoiding him in the parking lot. I just told him that we were deciding whether or not to go visit people at Moore and he bought it. Whew.
So then we got to the party and proceeded to tell that story many, many times. This party was total sensory overload. I've never seen so many beautiful people under one roof. We totally took this guy up on his offer to drink as much as we wanted and I soon realized that I was not going to be driving home. But CARPOOL stops running at 3 and we were not going to leave this party at 3, far too early. Next thing you know you're waking up on some strangers couch without a care in the world. I called Allison to find out where the fuck she'd gone. Turns out she was on a couch not 10 feet away from me. It was a killer party dudes, 5 bucks to get in, but I seriously didn't mind. Rock n roll.
And the final piece of news, today is Chris's 19th birthday. I would put up a link to IM him for his birthday, but he is never online these days. So in lieu of contacting him, let me just say Happy Birthday Chris!!!
Well deserved rest
Wednesday, September 10, 2003 9:36 am
It finally happened, and just shy of two weeks into the semester. I skipped my first class. We all knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but I'd always assumed it would be on a Friday morning. 8:00's are beat up, as Brandon would put it.
I needed a drink last night so I went out to Northgate with my good buddy Keiff. We used to work at Jiffy Lube together. So I had a couple scotches on the rockses and he had a couple gins and tonics. Miss Allison showed up with her new grad student friends. Me and Keith did not withhold our opinions of these gentlemen but we did politely wait until we were alone to express them. Then we went home around midnight. And believe it or not, Keith was a bad influence on me. He's got me drinking during the week, and then coerced me to smoke a cigarette when we got back to his place. So we're back to hour 9 of being smoke free. Nobody said this would be easy.
So anyway, delightfully liquored up and nerves finally calmed, I came home, chatted for a while, and then feel into a deep sleep I've not felt in days. When the alarm went off at 7am, I just so happened to be enjoying the most wonderful dream imaginable, the details of which I will leave to your imaginations, and I plum decided to turn the fucking alarm off and finish out the dream. It ended with me waking up in a complete stranger's house with an iguana running loose and me deciding to just take a shower and then crawl out the window. So it ended a little strange, but whatever. I needed that. So now I'm off to tackle the day. So long, suckers.
An old school story
Saturday, August 9, 2003 3:26 pm
So yesterday some of Ryan and Todd's friends from out of town came to visit. People that have been in this blog before, like DAvid and Joel. And I met Wally and Daniel as well, two more grads from Arlington High. And of course, they were in the mood to party, so after a bit of pre-gaming, we headed to the Northgate. Oh, before I go any further, I did bring my camera with me last night, and though I didn't take many pictures, I did promise DAvid that I would put a picture of him on my website.
As you can see, DAvid is going bald. So back to my story. Todd, DAvid, Wally and I decided that instead of buying our own drinks, we would just take turns buying rounds, so DAvid started off with the Royal Fuck. Mmm, delicious. Wally countered with a shot of straight Goldschlager. Always a treat. Todd spent his money on Red Headed Sluts. Can't go wrong. And believe it or not, I actually bought my round, only I did it at the Dry Bean. And everyone came with. So Mr. Big Shot (no pun intended) decides to buy a Screaming Nazi for everyone there. Ended up being $32, but it was delicious so I didn't care.
So now we've got some beers and shots in our system and we go to Shadow Canyon to dance the night away. Oh, and drink more. I actually danced so you know I was quite faded. Ran into Dustin and Trey on the dance floor. It was almost closing time so they were double fisting, which, to me, was an invitation to steal a drink. It was a vodka sour. Then I felt like an asshole so I went to get us each a drink before 1. I am carrying 3 double cherry vodka sours, spilling them all over people, and they were gone. I could not freaking find them. I bumped into some girl and as my apology I gave her a drink. Then I gave the other drink to some random girl. Who does that? They should have been more wary of me, but I didn't slip anything in them so it was okay.
No problem, it was closing time. I thought I'd just meet up with my friends and go home. Whoops, where were they? I don't know. I ended up sitting on the curb of the EZMart dialing people in my phone to come get me because Todd wouldn't answer his damn phone. I got fucking left. That sucks. Anyway, Dustin and Trey swung by and picked me up and took me to Ryan and Todd's where the party was still rocking. Needless to say, this is where I ended up:
Just be glad I photoshopped out the contents of the toilet. Let this be a PSA for you. How tacky am I. Can't wait to do it all again tonight. Czech you skillets lata.
Keith’s 21st Birthday et al
Saturday, August 2, 2003 4:37 pm
Today is the first go at a photojournalistic approach to my website. When Keith came in town for his 21st birthday I made sure to drag my camera along for the ride. I joined Keith and his friends over at Mad Hatters for starters. I'm not much for casual drinking on a 21st so we quickly adjourned to the only logical bar on Northgate -- Dry Bean. This is where our first pictures are from.
Then Keith wanted to go to the Dixie Chicken. I don't know what the fuck was up with that, but it was his birthday which means he can do whatever the fuck he wants. So we went to the chicken.
The caption on that picture reads "Fuckin A." Anyway, the next exciting thing that happened was running into Christine. I haven't seen her since she moved out of her duplex next to mine. She was in town for some work thing or something. She obliged to pose for this pic.
Isn't she the cutest. These pictures sure to make my blog long without me having to say much. I guess its true what they say -- you can't squeeze blood from a dead horse, but you can make him drink. Last night was a total blast. BJ had a keg so me and the crew dropped by and drank all his beer and then went back to Dustin's for deeelicious margaritas. I ended up spending the night over there. Today I'm totally hungover. But thats what life is all about. I do need to do my laundry, though, since James totally pushed me down in the mud last night when he dropped his wallet and I tried to steal his money. It was a lot of fun. You had to be there. Okay, its time to rejoin society now, catch you all later.
I heard the bitch eat one cracka a day
Saturday, July 12, 2003 2:21 pm
Thank you to everyone who had something nice to say about the new layout, screw the rest of you. Also, thanks to everyone who pointed out that the abdominal muscles on that one drawing are a tad ... howyousay? ... emphasized. But it's soon to be true because I have worked out for the past four days in a row and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I ran into my friend Scott at the rec when I randomly went on Tuesday and decided that he was going to be my workout partner. If I have someone call me and say, "Okay I'm heading up there," then I'm way more prone to stick to it. So we'll see how that goes.
This past week I attended a 3 day tutorial on how to mill circuit boards from scratch. You may not think thats cool, but I'm frickin' excited about it. This machine we have is so badass. You draw a circuit board in software and then hit go and it goes and shaves off copper from a board until you're left with the circuit you designed. Its really cool and if you're lucky, maybe one day you'll have one of my circuit boards in your brain.
Last night I went to Shadow Canyon with Ryan. It was fun, but the story I want to tell is from when we first got there. We didn't end up going out until 11:30 because I was workin out, eating, and showering. So we decide to start with a shot to get us caught up, so naturally I order a couple of 4-Horsemen. But Ryan didn't hear me. So when I handed it to him he said, "Whats this?" to which I replied, "An oatmeal cookie." Nonplussed as ever, he threw it back to an unpleasant realization that it was indeed a 4-Horsemen. I had to laugh. Although, I'll probably get in trouble if I don't credit the true creator of this gag, Allison. She did it to me one time at Fitzwillies with a Liquid Cocaine. Same effect. Anywho, that's all I can think to report, if breaking news comes up, you'll be the first to know. Ciao.
So much for that…
Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:48 pm
So karaoke night at Shadow Canyon was fun. So much for no more drinking on weekdays, but this was a special occasion ... we call it Wednesday. I met up with Ryan and Todd and headed to watch some of the worst and some of the best karaoke I have ever seen. My friend Chris dropped by for a while as well, but now he's gone to Austin for the next 3 weeks.
Anyway, I'm just blabbing to try and make this blog an acceptable length. The real reason I'm blogging is to encourage you all to download the new song of the day, White Stripes - Seven Nation Army. It fucking rawks. I've had it on repeat here in the office for a while and nobody is complaining yet. We'll see how they feel after a week of this. Peace out.
The end of an era
Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:46 am
I think I've decided that I party too much. It was easy to slip into the habit as day after day of summer rolls by with little more to do than to make sure I get to work in time to go to lunch with my friends. An excess of money and a shortage of nightly activities led to a pattern of coming home from work, getting cleaned up and ready to go, arguing with Allison about where we're going, finally begrudgingly settling on Northgate (again), drinking 2 or 3 beers at various bars until finally deciding that they all suck and always do, driving home around 1, getting into the personal stash until 2 or 3, passing out, and going to work at noon the next day.
Well, I've had enough. This tomfoolery has got to stop lest I lead a trite and meaningless existence. Last night was the first night in a long time that I didn't drink. I intend to do the same tonight. You know its bad when you've become so habitually addicted to drinking that you actually have to make a conscious effort not to. I'm also disgustingly fat, so I'm going to start going to the rec nightly again. On top of that, I bought this rad yoga video at the grocery store to help me prepare for my yoga class next semester. I watched part of it and it was too hard for me to do, so instead I just chose two or 3 of the positions and tried to do them. This is definitely a physical workout, so it should be really good for me if I can do it. Its a lot of squatting and then standing up ... shit I don't do so well. But I'm going to give it a go.
I'm excited about my new lease on life. Granted its like my third one that I've had this summer, but this time I think it may be different. So from now on, if you need to get a hold of me, no longer wait around Northgate, instead try the Rec Center. Laaaaaaaaaaate.
So much to say, so much to say, so much to say
Saturday, June 7, 2003 5:42 pm
Sorry for the Dave Matthew's Band reference in the title, it was all that came to mind when I was trying to title a blog that I had so much to say in. Don't get me wrong, I like Dave Matthew's one song, I just don't think he should have been allowed to release it 15 times. Anyway, I haven't blogged in a really long time which means that half of the things I really wanted to tell you about are going to have to fall by the wayside.
I went to Dallas last weekend and had an absolute blast. I went shopping with Allison. She needed to pick up some make up. That was totally fun. I bought some rad new pants that I just debuted at Northgate on Thursday to rave reviews. I also got my hair cut and colored. I'm now the proud owner of black highlights. Who gets black highlights? No one does, thats crazy talk.
Work has been going well. I work long hours and have been fairly productive as of late. The gravity sickness is starting to go away and I'm actually kind of getting used to the space food. The strawberry dried ice cream isn't as bad as the vanilla that I'd been eating. I have to do a spacewalk next week that I'm a little nervous about but it shouldn't be too bad.
Brandon just came in town this past week as well as this afternoon. He was subleasing his apartment for the summer and had to fill out some paper work on both of those days. We went to go see Finding Nemo with Allison. I highly recommend. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Of course I also cried, but what movie do I not cry in, am I right? We saw a preview for a new Will Ferrel movie where he's an elf. If you get the chance to see the preview the movie looks absolutely hilarious. Its coming out in November.
Damnit, I know there are way more things I wanted to talk about but they'll just have to wait or be omitted because I'm sick of typing. I haven't been very dedicated to the blog as of late and the numbers are starting to suffer, but fret not, this happens like every summer. Soon enough we'll be back to the daily blog fest and you will all be able to satiate your insatiable appetites for all things ViD. Have a great weekend. LAaaaaaaaaate
Ring Dunking
Sunday, April 13, 2003 3:15 pm
Ooookay, time for the ring dunking episode of my blog. It was a total blast. I guess I'll just start from the beginning and take you through it. Kevin arrived around 4:00. He was starving and I didn't have a pitcher yet so we hit the town pretty immediately. I tried to get a pitcher at Aggieland Outfitters but they were all sold out, so I took Kevin to eat at Freebirds. I, on the other hand, did not eat solid food after noon that day. I didn't want anything but pure beer coming back up, cause that would be nasty. So we were pulling out of the Freebird's parking lot when Allison called saying she was at University Bookstore buying a pitcher, so I told her to pick me up one. Her dad paid for it too, which was really nice of him. Thank you Big D!
A few people had gathered early and I started drinking at 6. My plan was to be drunk but not full by the time we started so I was trying to get some beer in me first. Around 7 we started filling pitchers. It was pretty daunting to see just how much beer it was as you sit there for 5 minutes with the tap flowing. I let mine sit out unattended, but eventually that just wasn't cutting it, so I started pouring it back and forth between two pitchers to get rid of the carbonation. It was also too cold, so I put it in a sink of warm water to bring it up a few degrees. When I decided it was at the optimal conditions, we kind of started gathering with our pitchers in the backyard to signal that the hour was nye.
The people that were dunking were me, Allison, Ryan, Christine, Katie, Scott, Virant, Burden, Gabe and Charlie. I'm pretty sure thats everyone. Soon after, the crowd counted down and got going. For those of you who aren't familiar with this tradition, we took our senior rings and dropped them into a pitcher full of beer. Then we preceeded to chug it as fast as we could. It was insanity. I started off strong really puttin' it down. I had planned on breathing through my nose intermittenly, but that proved too difficult, so I ended up holding my breath. This meant that I had to stop and breath, though. The first breath break was clean and probably only cost me a second, and I got right back into it at a good pace. The second breathing break almost turned into a vomitting break, so I had to pause a few seconds to maintain and then kept going. I was slowing down by then. I had to take one more breather, and then I decided that I wasn't gonna stop until that ring was in my mouth. It was really hard to keep going, but I had the ring in my sights and managed to pack it all down. When we watched the video later, we were able to get the exact time of 65 seconds. Whoop! I didn't reach my goal of under a minute, but I was pretty damn close, and I came in fourth place overall. Allison, of course, waxed everybody and came in first. God I love that girl.
Pretty immediately after I finished, I turned my back on the crowd and let it go. I had also hoped to keep it all down, but that didn't come anywhere close to happening. That was so much liquid. Breezy got the best damned picture of me throwing up. Its not for the squimish though. I am going to put a link at the end of this blog to a pictures page, so if you don't wanna see it, don't go.
I wanna thank everyone who was there. Ryan and Priscilla showed up for the dunking. Todd came in from San Antonio and showed up with his girlfriend Shannon. DAvid and Sam from Southwest came with the other Todd. DAvid looted the Southwest AV club and brought a really nice camera. Maybe someone smarter than me with time on their hands will be able to convert it to a real player format or something. Later on that evening Matt Pakes and Pearl Ho showed up from Austin. Travis dropped by for a while. Matt Kerin was definitely there. He's been wondering what it takes to get mentioned in my blog. Katie's boyfriend Jeff came with her from Plano. Allison's parents were there, along with several other sets of parents. I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I heard that some of the parents were doing keg stands later on that night. Fucking rad! Allison and Jaime came too, naturally. I'm sure I'm forgetting somebody, if so, I'm sorry. Let me know.
After we'd spent the whole evening drinking it was decided that we were going to Northgate. Okay, I did not need to be going to Northgate, but whatever. I hadn't eaten dinner yet and they were selling the most delicious sausage wraps. I think I ate three. We went to Shadow Canyon and hung out and drank until 1. It was pretty fun. When we finally got home, I think I pretty much crashed right away.
Overall, it was an excellent night that I wouldn't do again for anything. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the most alcoholic of Aggie traditions. I think its about time for me to take a shower, clean up the cups and cans, and then see what I need to accomplish today. For those of you interested, here is the link to the picture page: Click here. It was getting dark outside so some of the pics are dark and some are a little blurry, but I did my best to photoshop them up. They turned out pretty good. Enjoy!
Grammar Deputies
Sunday, April 6, 2003 3:28 pm
Alright, alright, alright, children. Enough with the nitpicking of each other's posts. As the Grammar Sheriff, I can only hope you Grammar Deputies will start behaving yourselves. Nobody is proofreading here (well, I don't have to, thats why I don't) so it's stupid to disect each other. Jebus, sometimes I feel like the focus of this webpage is drifting away from its original purpose: the unadulterated adoration of me. The CTRJFS.C may be inadvertantly destroying its beloved SVC. Just something to think about.
In all honesty though, that would be impossible, because I rule and I'm the master of my own domain, so to speak. If you can't tell by my demeanor, I've been spending a little bit too much time recently reading over Maddox's webpage. If you don't know who Maddox is immediately, then you suck, really hard. And you need to go his website STAT and read all of his posts. Its the best webpage in the universe. http://maddox.xmission.com/
So for the more day-to-day update. I did not go out to Northgate this Thursday because I had a hair appt early on Friday morning. Yeah, yeah, yeah, say what you will, but it was the only time I could get and I did not want to be hung over for a haircut. And lord knows, I refuse to party in moderation. Anyway, my hair looks sabulous. I think I'll snap a pic of it on the webcam as soon as I take a shower and fix it cause right now it looks like that Indian chief guy from Dances with Wolves. If any of you in College Station need a good haircut and are sick of the bullshit you get from EVERY dumb whore with a pair of scissors and want, just once, for someone to understand what you want and make your hair look good like you want it ... then you have got to go to Cutler2 and ask for Hannah. If you need the phone number, hit me with an IM and I'll give it to you. She's incredible.
So since I didn't go out Thursday, and I was looking so good Friday, I decided to hit the Northgate with AllieD and Jamie. Jamie still isn't drinking because of his whole lenten thing. Hopefully it will help him get into heaven. Anyway, this weekend all of the kids got their Aggie Rings, so Northgate was insane with people dunking at the Chicken (an absolutely attrocious idea). So we get there and there is this throng of people out back. I'd estimate at least 250 people. And you know me, I can't handle crowds, so I'm like "oh shit." But being the trooper I am, I got some cash and we headed for the Library. Mmmk, we walk in and there are like 8 people in there. Wonderful! People came and went all night, but it never got crowded because all the people that were outback were dirty locals and inbred rednecks who wouldn't be allowed in the Library even if they wanted to. Oh yeah, and the power went out. That was so exciting. All of Northgate lost power. Actually, it wasn't that exciting. It was just a little darker. Luckily, we already had drinks, so we continued to sit and drink and chat unphased by the lack of light and AC. I was tempted to steal this really kickass painting off the wall and escape out the back door, but alas, my conscience won out once again.
So thats my update for now. Everything else is pretty fabulous. School's going good. I probably shouldn't post this on my website, but my ring dunking is next Saturday. Its going to be a pretty big party. I won't disclose the location tho, but if you feel like you should have been invited and weren't hit me up with an IM. Just a hint: If you weren't invited, that was probably on purpose. But its worth a shot right? Ha. Well, I gotta run, I'm meeting Joseph for lunch. Peace out, you have fucking nots!
Disgruntle my nutz
Thursday, March 6, 2003 11:52 pm
Too bad disgruntled reader won't be around to read this. Something new! And just for all my loyal Sidesho-Viewers. A lot has happened, but I am going to try and summarize it into just a few paragraphs. First, we have to start off with Ms Allison's 22nd birthday! Happy Birthday Allison! We had such a crazy night that night. We started off partying at home and then went to Northgate, where I realized I did not have my ID because I gave it to Ryan the night before to buy drinks for 2 people. So I was SOL until Ryan could make it up to Northgate. So I chilled at and had a sub from New York Sub. Tres good. That night was the night of chuggin, I dare say. We started off at home with Flaming Dr Peppers and Jäger Bombs, and proceeded to Northgate for a massive amount of shots, Flaming Dr Peppers and Saki Bombs. After the Saki Bombs they gave us some raw crab to munch on. It was so damned good that I had to go get some for lunch the other day.
Other than that, school is going well. I had a big test today that I wasn't all too happy with. I knew everything there was to know, but just fucked up and forgot some stuff on the test. And it wasn't like I was sitting there wracking my brain trying to remember, I just straight up forgot to include it. Thats what sucks about it. I left the test thinking I had a 100 and the more I think about it, now I'm expecting like an 80. Ohh well, at least I have an A in chemistry. Boo yah. I'm making an A in a freshman level course ... something I've never ever done before.
So I have one meeting tomorrow and then Spring Break is upon us. I think I'll spend most of my time lounging about and working on projects. On Saturday I am going to listen to Stephen Hawking give a lecture on campus. I'm really stoked about that. My friend JennyCole from Plano is coming up to see him. She's the biggest Hawking fan ever. I don't think she ever misquotes him, but she does like him. I was also supposably gettting a ticket to Peter Paul & Mary from mi padre, but he just called tonight and said the show was totally sold out. He's gonna see if he can't get a couple tickets on cancellations, but I'm not getting my hopes up. That totally sucks, that concert would have rawked.
Anyway, I'll be in College Station for the majority of the Spring Break. Jenny is flying here, and I may give her a ride home, even though my parents are like gone for the week or something. And I might go see Kevin again if I can't convince him to come here. Other than that, its calculators, mobile platforms, and DUT test plans for yours truly. Hope everyone has a crazier Spring Break than I!
indite (in-DYT) verb tr.
To write or to compose.
Weekly Update
Saturday, February 1, 2003 8:40 pm
It seems that this has become a bit of a weekly occurence these days. I'm sorry to all of my loyal Sidesho-Viewers ... I just don't ever feel like blogging anymore. I've been really busy and enjoying that fact. I do my best to have a list of things to do every day and get them done. So far my system has been flawless, but I just know that one little monkey wrench will cause the whole thing to self destruct.
Last night I went to Ptar's with my neighbor, Breezy. We met up with Ryan and Todd and their friend Sam. Sam was insistent on buying everyone shots. Now, don't get me wrong, I wasn't complaining, and I certainly wasn't declining ... but I got real drunk on Thursday so i was trying to take it easy last night. Well then I get a call from my lab partner, Owen, and he's at Northgate. It had totally slipped my mind that it was his 21st birthday. So congrats to Owen, Happy Birthday.
Now, some people at the Ptarmigan were a tad perplexed that I would leave them to go to Northgate to hang out with my lab partner. But if you know me at all you know that me and my lab partners spend more time together than me and my roommates do. Plus Owen never drinks so it was a special occasion. Me and Breezy met up with Owen at Northgate and headed right for Dry Bean. I knew that I had to buy him a Royal Fuck, the best shot on the menu. That was fun, then I decide we need another. So we took a Sex with an Alligator. Good stuff. Then Kerin came in and he was having a round of Jäger Bombs. So I threw in for Owen to join us. Immediately following that Owen claims that he's always wanted to try a Saki Bomb from Kyoto Sushi. What a champ. So we went and took a Saki Bomb. Needless to say, it was Carpool for the ride home. I ended up seeing Allison and Christine out at Northgate so we rode together. I know that I drank a few more beers, ate some frozen Mexican food and then passed out on Allison's couch.
It was a great night. Man, these weekend posts are consisting of nothing but a drink menu from my night before. Oh well, its more exciting to talk about than digital outputs needed to control an SM-E040 stepper motor. I called Owen today and he said he threw up in Chevron and then at home, for any of those that were wondering. The story wouldn't be complete without that. So I hope everyone else had as good a weekend as I did. Leave a comment some time this week if ANY of you have the time. Peace out, have nots.
New Years Day 2003
Wednesday, January 1, 2003 4:14 pm
Happy New Year! Welcome to the year 2003, WHOOP! Today is an absolutely gorgeous day outside so I thought I'd waste it by playing Grand Theft Auto all day. I'm getting pretty far in the game, and its so damn addictive. So you wanna know what happened last night? Well I'll tell you. First I went and actually bought alcohol. That almost never happens, and wouldn't you know it, we barely touched it. I had a beer before we left and I think Ryan had a beer and that was it. So I'm set for a while. First I went to Northgate with Brandon, Allison, and Ryan. We started at 315. We saw the guy make some flaming Dr Peppers. It was incredible. He had the shot resting on top of the rim of the beer glasses, and then he took a lighter and a mouthful of 151 and sprayed this massive fireball and lit all three shots and then knocked them into the glasses. It was tres cool. Then we tried MadHatters but it basically sucked.
So we decided around 11:00 to try Hurricane Harry's. I have not been there since my freshman year, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. They were playing good music, not kicker shit. They had free champagne and a free buffet, so we partook in both of those. At midnight they played the Fight Song, which was pretty cool. We ended up leaving without Allison who found her own ride home. I'm sorry, but you'll have to hear that story from her, its not really mine to share. *WINK*
In other news, I talked to my professor about that unexplained C that I got in his class and he said it was a straight up mistake, it was supposed to be an A, so that's taken care of. Then I asked him if he needed a webpage guy next semester and he said he would rather I was a TA. Its kind of flattering for him to tell me he wants me to work for him, so naturally I did not decline. I have an appointment with him tomorrow to talk it over and see which class I want to TA for. I just need to make sure my chemistry class doesn't conflict with either of them. Hopefully it won't. Anywho, Happy New Year again. Your homework assignment today is to post your New Years Resolutions on the comment board. Mine is the same as it is every year: to be more open and honest with my opinion. Haaaa. I know its not the most noetic resolution, but its worked for me thus far. End of Line.
Nites out
Monday, December 30, 2002 1:25 pm
Aaaaaaaand scene! Well that puts a close to my first night out in College Station since I've been back. We organized a little group to go out to the ol' Northgate. I was accompanied by Allison, Ryan, Cappy, Brandon and Elizabeth. Turns out like half of Northgate was closed down for the holidays so our options were a tad limited, so we limited ourselves to just Dry Bean (of course), Hole in the Wall, and Fitzwilly's. It was a good time had by all. I ended up getting vury drunk as usual. But not as drunk as Ryan. Ha.
We were really excited because Shadow Canyon was advertising a New Years Eve costume party where the first prize was $1000. We were gonna brainstorm and come up with really great costumes and try to win it cause that's a helluva lot of money. But when I went to go pick up my car this morning I saw that the sign said New Years Party Cancelled. Those bastards. Oh well, now we're going to have to find something new to do and I do hate having to think, as you well know. Hmm. I'm hungry. And I need to go talk to one of my profs, and I should probably go to Best Buy and try to spend some of these gift certificates I just got. Okay, that settles it, I'm outta here. Peace out.
Northgate Syndrome
Sunday, December 15, 2002 3:24 pm
Ahh, another productive night ... at NORTHGATE! My god, I have got to stop going there. But fuck it, I don't have shit else to do. Anywho, last night me and Ryan (you happy now, bitch) went to Northgate to celebrate another dead day. His next exam is Tuesday and mine is Wednesday, so we're both free. Todd stayed home and studied. We started out at the Dry Bean and each had a Royal Fuck. They were delicious. From there we decided to hit the hotspot, Mad Hatters.
Um yeah, neither one of us got the memo, but apparently it was Down Syndrome night at Mad Hatters. Everyone there was incredibly ugly and acting like a retard. One girl was even pretending to be pregnant and wearing a fat suit. And she kept on bumpin and grindin and yelling 'I'm PREGNANT whooo!' It was very strange. Needless to say, we finished our drinks as quickly as possible and skeedaddled over to the Library. I hadn't been there in forever. We met up with some girl named Kat that Ryan had met the night before. She was with her friend Heather Fuson, who I was in band with at Plano Senior High. So that was fun. I don't think I've ever actually talked to her but last night we caught up like we were OLD friends.
After that we decided to run by Taco Cabana because Ryan said he didn't have any food at home. We ran into Keith and Burns there and shared some queso and good times. I stayed the night at Ryan's cause I felt like drinking more. They really didn't have any beer so me and Todd split a big bottle of wine and watched music videos on like 5 different channels until 6 in the morning. Good times, good times. Right now I have to run up to lab for a while. You know me, go go go work work work. I'm gonna have a heart attack one of these days if I don't change my workaholic ways. Anywho, you kids be good and study hard. School is cool.
Night o’ Northgate
Saturday, December 14, 2002 8:32 pm
Last night I got out of lab and got home around 11:00 at night. Allison had decided that we were going to Northgate, so she showed up with a couple of beers to drink real fast before we left. We ended up getting there around 11:30. Omega, the place was off the heezy fo sheezy. It was so damn crowded there. You all know how much I hate crowds.
We started off at the Dry Bean, and ended up there later too. In between shots though, we met up with Allison's whole posse at Fitzwilly's and had a beer, and then a drink at MadHatters. MadHatters is really the place to be as of late. Its where all the cool kids hang out. I also ran into Steve-o there. Steve-o said that he visits my webpage every day but that I never mention him. Always aiming to please, as I do, I'm gonna mention him a few more times, and in bold, no less. Its convenient because the rest of our story revolves around Steve-o.
Steve-o and all of his friends are really fun to hang out with and party with, so I jump on it every chance I get. He was leaving to go to Betsy's house, so I tagged along. When we got to his car, Steve-o decided he shouldn't drive, so I took the keys. This girl Shannon that was with us was about to pee her pants so we stopped off at my house first. I grabbed the remaining beers from my fridge and we continued on to Betsy's house. Betsy and some guy, I think his name was Mike, were watching Office Space. Thats always fun. I drank my beers and had a good time like always. Next thing I know, I blinked and I was sitting in the same exact chair in the same exact position, only it was bright outside. So I was like 'umm okay.' Steve-o had to work at 11, and drive out to Iola beforehand to change clothes, so he was up early. When he was ready to go we got in his car and he took me home. I promptly showered and went back to bed until it was time to go to lab. I was in lab all day. We got wireless communication kinda working. It works sometimes. Thats cool.
Not sure what's on the menu for tonight. I'm still trying to find something or someone to do. If you would like to get some major name drops on my page, like Steve-o you'd best be callin me to hang out with me tonight. Or, just hang around Northgate and I'm sure I'll be there soon enough. Alright, skillets, I'm gonna head to the flip side. See you all there.
Finally, an update
Thursday, December 12, 2002 4:39 pm
Where to begin, where to begin. So much has happened since I last posted, this may end up being a long blog. So go get something warm to drink, perhaps a blanket to wrap up in whilst you read, and lets begin. First off, why haven't I posted? Well, the end of the semester was a really busy time for me. I had exams, presentations, and projects to work on. I still have one exam to take and two projects to work on, but the deadlines are further away for those.
The first project was our closed loop controlled dc motor supply. Me and my group, the Users, had been working on it all semester. We had to finish it up and debug it and do all kinds of crap. I was in charge of the documentation for the project. Basically you have to document every little thing you do all semester long. The final product was 100 pages, front and back. My obsessive compulsive anal retentive nature came out while working on this document. Everything about it had to be absolutely perfect. In the end, it was. Its the most gorgeous comprehensive thing I've ever made. My professor was very impressed and even said he couldn't wait to read it. And I don't doubt that he meant it with all sincerity. We also had to put together a powerpoint presentation to show to the prof. We did our presentation pretty quick the night before it was due. We had plenty of time though since the last day, we started working on it at 10:00am and didn't finish until 9:00am the next day. I was bound and determined to have the thing finished before I went to sleep. And I did. Our presentation went well even though we got absolutely grilled on the Q&A. Our prof wanted to give us questions that were a cut above the normal question, and they were hard. I think I answered one completely right, and the other one I had to say "I don't know." I wasn't too happy about admitting defeat, but I had no choice.
After the presentation we all went over to the Chicken to relax, drink beer, and play pool. Our professor even joined us, and helped us close the bar down. I paid the pool guy 10 bucks to take the door off of the pool table, so we got unlimited pool the whole night. Because I did that, I didn't have to buy any beer the whole night cause everyone felt indebted to me. That was pretty cool. I got pretty stupid that night but I had a great time just hanging out with everyone from my major. We spend so much time together up in lab, it was nice to kick back with them and just talk about things not related to a 68332 microcontroller. Turns out, my classmates are fun people. Ryan and Todd showed up to Northgate and I was supposed to go home with them, but they ended up ditching my ass when I went inside MadHatters to find Allison. That was cool ... NOT. But whatever, me and Allison ended up getting a ride home from two guys she had met 2 seconds before I showed up. I was under the impression that she knew them, but it turned out that she didn't. Their names were Buck and Kix ... wtf? Why she was talking to a couple of guys named Buck and Kix, I'll never know, but we got home safe and thats all that matters.
Another thing I had to be doing this past weekend, in between my 14 hour stints at the keyboard working on documentation was attend concerts for symphony extra credit. I was concerned that I wouldn't be passing the class. Turns out I was right. Its a good thing I did that extra credit cause it bumped my grade up to a D. A D will really fuck my GPA this semester (which would have been a 4.0 otherwise) but at least I get credit for the class and my fine arts are out of the way. An interesting turn of events though. Our prof in symphony informed us that being a 300 level course, there were prerequisites to get into the course, which only a handful of people knew about. They messed up in the catalogue and allowed us all to sign up for an upperlevel music major course. So depending on the grades, he may curve the whole class, which could potentially bump me up to a C. That would be nice. I'm not counting on it though.
Another project I'm working on is a digital thermometer. We designed the circuit, built it, and tested it and it worked. But for any extra credit points, we have to have it etched onto a pc board. So we frantically designed a pc board, something none of us had ever done before. It was hard, but we got it done and verified by the prof before sending it off to be fab'ed. Turns out it's gonna take way more than the estimated 3 days leaving us with 24 hours to test and debug our system. Sucks. So I don't know what were going to do. Soldering the parts on alone would take that long. We'll see what happens, it may not be possible. I have an A locked down, so I couldn't care less, but my teammates could use the points. We bargained on so many added features (7-segment displays, dual celsius and fahrenheit capabilities, mounting it in a remote control car, and wireless capabilities) that we could earn as many as 10 points to our final final grade. That's so out of control.
Finally having time to relax is weird. At first I was having trouble sleeping. I would wake up every couple of hours and jump out of bed constantly thinking I was either late for something, or wasting time not working on anything. I'm better now though. I slip back into my slothfully prefered mode quite easily. All in all this was a pretty good semester, though I'm not sorry to see it go. Making the highest grade on every test in every class was pretty funny.
I've run out of things to talk about even though I'm sure I've forgotten some things. If I remember I'll post again. Anyways, I'm back now, so fear not. Updates will commence. Peace out, you HAVE NOTS!
Druuuuunken update
Friday, November 22, 2002 4:14 am
Omega, I don't usually update when I'm drunk but there are TOO many stories from tonight for this to wait until tomorrow (or according to the date on this blog, I guess that would be today). Okay lets start from the beginning. The day begins at 2:25pm, which is when I woke up. This is significant because I had a test at 2:20 today. The deal was that I was up on campus until 4am the night before studying with friends and then I came home and set my alarm but forgot to TURN THE FUCKER ON. Deerrrrrrrr. I freeeeked out and ran to all of my neighbors looking for a ride. I ended up offering a perfect stranger 'anything she wanted' to take me to campus but as she was getting her keys Allison called me and she took me to my class. THANK YOU ALLISON I LOVE YOU. It totally saved my ass. Ahhh, Abba just came on my MP3's, they rule. Anyway, I took the test and trust me, I didn't set any curves. But I did alright.
So I got home, finally showered and got ready to go to this review session. So I went to that and then right to this Diversity Symposium on campus. It was SO cool. There was a panel of one A&M guy, one lady from HEB, some other lady and then Danny from the Real World New Orleans. They just talked about stuff in general, most of it concerning diversity both as a notion and as a specific reference on campus. It was really really refreshing to just listen to people talk who share the same opinions as me. As you might have guessed this doesn't happen very often on this campus. Long story short, I really enjoed just being in the audience listening.
Then it was time for some fucking beer. But first I had to eat, since I hadn't had a chance to do that before. So I called Joseph and we went over to Fitzwilly's for some Fitz Favorites. We bullshitted for a while and made plans for tomorrow. Its his 21st birthday. That'll be really fun. Then I went over to Ryan's and chilled until we were ready to hit Northgate. We started out at the Library, but it was fucking dead. No one was there, so we went to Mad Hatters. There we ran into Humpty and Paco, guys I went to high school with and lived in Moore with but NEVER see anymore. Humpty said he still reads my blog so I wanted to give him a big ol' Shout Out. Leave a comment fucker. Anyway, from there we went to Duddley's, and then home.
I just got home and my neighbor Colette gave me a beer. Then the other next door neighbor's boyfriend Kevin came over and brought me beer after beer while we shot the shit on the porch. Now it is way past time for me to go to bed. I hope you all had as good a time tonight as I did. I love you all ... especially YOU. Laaaaaaaaaate
Hungover on a Friday? Noooo
Friday, November 15, 2002 1:24 pm
Same thing, different week. I am a slave to routine. Last night me and Ryan and AllieD headed out to Northgate. There were minor differences this week. Like the fact that AllieD's boyfriend Jamie went with us. Todd, Joel and Daniel went with us too but they had to take a separate car. We started out at the Library. That's always fun, even though it was like totally empty. So when that got boring we headed over to MadHatters. I had a lot of fun there. Me and Ryan and some guy I didn't know took a jaunt over to Kyoto Sushi for a Sake Bomb. Those are so nasty but so fun to take. Then we finally ended up at Duddleys.
The weather kind of sucked. It rained on me at least one time and really hard. Good thing that new jacket I bought at Structure is like water proof. I was not aware of that but the water just beaded up on it and rolled off. So at the end of the night AllieD and Jamie got into some drunken argument and Jamie left but forgot he had her keys. So AllieD drove my car home and then used my phone to call him and get him to come get her. I hope they kissed and made up.
I'm trying to think of something non-alcoholic to tell you guys. Everyone must think I'm such a lush. But really everything else in my life is boooring. I was gonna make that PRSSA webpage but in the end I really didn't feel like it so I asked my friend, Shan, if he would make it for me and then I'd give him the money. So he did. The girl hasn't contacted me about when she wants to buy the disk of files from me. I think I'm going to cut some pages out of a book and put the disk in there and then when she pays me put the money in there. Like Neo, for those of you who didn't catch that reference. Yeah, I think I'm rambling now so I bid you all adieu. Have a good Friday and if you're doing anything fun, invite me.
Aggie Ring
Friday, November 8, 2002 2:35 pm
Well folks, the day finally arrived. As you can see on the webcam pic there, I now have an Aggie Ring around my finger. It was very exciting and gratifying to put it on for the first time. Now I'll finally get the respect I feel I so deserve. So I went out celebrating last night. To Northgate, of course. I went with Ryan, Brandon and AllieD. I drank way too much, but it was a complete blast as always. We went all around drinking and talkin and seein friends and then took CARPOOL home, which is always a blast.
I'm going to the mall now with Todd to spend my Structure fastcash, and then I'm going to see 8 Mile at 3:45. Its gonna be so good. Tonight I'm just gonna take it easy. No drinking tonight. Whoohaaaa. Peace out you have nots.
Happy Drunken Halloween
Friday, November 1, 2002 12:10 pm
God I love Halloween. That is, like, my favorite holiday all year long. The day started off pretty sucky, but it got so much better once I mixed in some drinks. I went to class around 9 and did that whole thing. Then I had to talk to my prof about the presentation I'm going to have to give to a class next week. He said we're going to shoot for Wednesday. I really don't want to do this, but its going to change my D to a B, so its definitely worth it.
After that I had to walk to archery. We had our form test, which means we didn't even shoot. Each person took turns having the prof watch us. You had to shoot two arrows at a target that was like 5 feet away, cause he didn't care if you could aim, just your form. I got 14/15 points. He said my form was really good, but I didn't pull the bow back the same distance both times, which I'm sure is true cause I'm not very good.
Then I went to my circuit design class. That was business as usual. That gets out at 3:30 and I decided to get ahead of the game and figure out my schedule for next semester. Turns out my department has a new lady whose only job is to be an advisor. We have a real live advisor now! Like someone who actually knows what she's talking about and gives a shit. Its nice. We used to just talk to professors who had way more important things to do. Anyway, I got my sched for next semester kinda figured out. I might take chemistry at Blinn, but I don't know how to do that, so we'll see.
After that I went to the computer lab to work on my presentation a little bit, but that didn't end up happening. Instead me and my lab partner, Owen, ended up on Yahoo! games playing pool against each other. I lost twice and won once. It was really fun. Then at 5 it was up to the lab to work on our multi-channel pulse width modulator. Fun stuff, it never ended up working. Then I left to go to my car and realized I never went home so I didn't have a car. That's always a fun feeling. So I started making calls.
Keith was in Fort Worth. I swear I need to start listening to him sometimes. Then I called Allison and she was too drunk to drive ... at 9 oclock. Halloween rules. So I called Brandon and he gave me a ride home. Then he came in while I made myself some leftovers and he ended up falling asleep on my couch, and he slept there all night. Didn't bother me. So I got ready to go out and did just that. I had my neighbor Brianne paint my face with eyeshadow so I looked like really sickly. I tried to snap a pic of it, but most of it rubbed off last night. So I went and picked up Ryan and we hit Northgate.
We started out at 315, the place that used to be the Reef. Then we ran into Allison and we went to the Library. That was pretty hopping. We spent the rest of the night there. Halloween on Northgate is too much fun. Everyone's in costumes and just getting CRA-ZAY. God I can't wait for next year. So then we went to Stev-o's house. It was fun. There were drinks and I think there was some oregano going on in the back room, but I'm too innocent to know. Well I ended up passing out on the couch in blissful slumber. I was rudely awakened a while later cause I guess Stev-o's roommate came home and it was his weed everyone was smoking or something, I don't know. I was just told we had to leave 'now!' So then Justin gave me and Ryan a ride home. Thanks for that, that was cool.
Today, I might go to class, but probably not. I hate my Symphony class, its so stupid. I do need to take a quiz I missed on Monday cause I was sick tho. Ehhh, I dunno. Then I need to go to the parking garage and get my car. Its so cool that you can just leave it there overnight. Very good call on the part of College Station. They usually just do stupid shit, but this makes sense. Then I don't know what else is on the slate.
One more quick note, sorry this blog is too long. There are some very exciting things happening at SideshoViD.com. This time ... he's not alone...
Keith’s Big Day
Tuesday, October 15, 2002 4:06 pm
Howdy everybody. I am in the SCC right now to write up a paper over the Symphony that I attended on Sunday. I have to have it done within 5 days of the concert or else he won't accept the paper. So I thought I would get it out of the way. I am going to open lab at 5 so I won't have a chance to go home today, which always sucks. However, I will be going to Northgate after open lab probably around 9 or 9:30. If you would like to grab a beer with me tonight, meet me at MadHatters. I'll be at the bar. A few big news stories today, so lets dive right in.
First off, my new shoes look so good. However, they are tearing my feet to shreds. I have like 3 major blisters on each foot. You know how Sketchers are though, they take some serious breaking in. So I'm gonna grin and bear it today (not that I have a choice) maybe not wear them tomorrow but then continue to wear them every day until they are comfortable. But like I said, they look damn good, and thats what really matters.
I just came from my Circuit Design class. We got our tests back. I know I claimed to have aced it and then later retracted that statement. Anyway, I got a 92, which was the highest grade in the class. The average was a straight up 70, so basically I kicked the shit out of it. The sad part is, 4 of the points I missed were off reading a spec sheet. Which means looking at a sheet of paper, reading values and transferring them to the answer blank. I'd never looked at a spec sheet though, like I was supposed to have so I didn't have a clue how to read the thing. The other 4 points were just minor deductions here and there either for a stupid mathmatical mistake or not plugging in the correct given values. He really grades on method though, so he only takes off one point for the wrong answer as long as you got the wrong answer correctly. Anyway, I was totally pleased with the outcome there.
Finally, congratulations to my roomie, Kieffer Sutherland for making it into the Battalion today. Thats our school newspaper for those of you who don't know. The article was entitled "Going once, going twice ..." and it was about the auction of Lost & Found items at the MSC. Here now is the excerpt of the article that mentioned Keith:
Keith Kovalic, a junior English major, enjoys the thrill of shopping. He says he would rather compete with others for purchases verses the traditional method of shopping. Like many Americans, he has become entrenched in the auctioning craze that has been sweeping the nation for the last several years. "In online auctions, I have bought DVDs for a dollar, CDs for a penny and an 8-by-6 inch Harley Davidson belt buckle for five bucks," Kovalic said. "Because stuff at auctions is so cheap, I feel obligated to buy it." Students such as Kovalic can bid against other Aggies at the MSC Hospitality's Lost and Found Auction on Wed., Oct. 16. The auction will be held in the MSC Flagroom, MSC from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
That Keith! He sure does enjoy the thrill of shopping. Why just the other day he was telling me how thrilled he was to have gone to the mall to do some shopping. You ought to see him when he shops ... so thrilled. Thanks to Emily Vincent for her wonderful article.
That about sums up all the excitement of today. I will see you all at MadHatters tonight. Thanks and gig this.
Wasted Friday
Friday, October 11, 2002 7:26 pm
Well hey there, good to see you again. Since the last post, I took a big test in my Circuit Design class. Everyone thought it was pretty hard, but I came out of there thinking that I had aced it. I realized just a little while ago that I forgot to put a resistor in series with my diodes in the clipper circuit I designed, so the whole thing would instantly burn up ... oops! Other than that I think I got everything right. So in order to celebrate, I decided to go get drunk at Northgate.
Me and AllieD went to Hole in the Wall and had a couple of pitchers. Then we went over to the Library after like 2 hours of just sippin beers and chit chatting. At the library I had a couple Cosmopolitans and she had a couple of Jack and Cokes in martini glasses ... tres chic. We ran into Travis there and shared a table with him and his friend Vicky. It was a good time. At 1:00 they stop serving alcohol which sucks, but I decided I wasn't drunk enough, so we all ended up going back to Travis's place to drink some more. He made some nauseating lemonade and vodka drink and I gladly slurped it up. Then I had another drink. And that, my friends, is where the story has to end, because I don't remember anything else. Oops! It happens though. It seems that whenever I get it in my head to get really drunk, I always succeed. Just chalk it up to the maturity that is SLOWLY slowly, growing. Until next time, folks. Take it easy. And if its easy, take it twice.
Catching up
Friday, September 13, 2002 3:16 pm
I think I have a lot to talk about. I haven't blogged in a couple of days. So sit back, relax, and strap yourself in for this fast paced eye popping blog of all blogs. Okay thats a total lie. Anyway, what's been goin on? Wednesday passed like any other day, not much to talk about there. Thursday a lot of little things happened.
In my archery class we got to select bows. I chose a left handed 26 pound bow. I am left eye dominant so I'm taking the instructor's advice and firing left handed. He said initially it will be harder, but a better idea in the long run. And since I'm going to be a complete natural at archery, I want to be as good as I can be down the road. On Tuesday we actually get to fire arrows. I'm so excited.
On my way back to main campus from archery, my friend Nadia called me just to see what was up. I have a large break in between classes so I met up with her outside of the Bright Building just to say hi and bullshit. On the way, I ran into Adam, the guy who was in our speech class with us. We chit chatted for a little while and then parted our separate ways. The rest of the day was a total bore of class and stuff. But I did not go to open labs for the first time this week. It was a nice break. Instead, AllieD invited me over for dinner. She made beef strogonoff (if anyone knows how to spell this word I would greatly appreciate it). It was so damn good. She made a LOT tho, and it was just the two of us, so we ended up completely gorging ourselves while we watched Van Wilder (an excellent flick, I highly recommend).
After that I wanted to come home, get ready and go out. Turns out Allison was (a) in a good mood and (b) wanting to go out. So we actually went to Northgate just the two of us. That doesn't happen too much. We had a friggin blast. Well I know for sure I did, and I'm pretty sure Al did too. We started off at the library. I ran into some of my friends and we all shared a table. Allison had a Cosmopolitan cause she was already looking fabulous so she wanted to accentuate the obvious. I had a Jack and coke cause I'm a simple man with simple tastes. After that we went to Duddley's and drank some beers until they kicked us out. I completely forgot that we had parked in the garage, so I was thinking that Moore Hall was on the way to my car, so I made Allison go all the way over there cause I had to piss like a racehorse and everywhere on Northgate was locked. Burns let me in, and we chilled for a minute. Some guy was riding around on a skateboard, so Allison told him she had a phone call for him. It was the 80's and they wanted their skateboard back. Needless to say, she wasn't making friends. So we split. I got home, drank a few beers, chatted for a while, and then went to bed.
Today I woke up at like noon, didn't bother showering, went to my Symphony class. Then I did this assignment for my 349 class and turned it in, and now I am home. End of story basically. Tonight, me and Keith are going to the Toughman Competition. Our friend Jay has decided that it was necessary to gain like 7 pounds in order to be able to fight in the lowest weight division. He's going to get in the ring, hit somebody he doesn't even know as many times as he can, and I suppose its gonna prove something. Whatever the motivation though, we're so there. I know I shouldn't complain about the idiocy of such a contest when I'm funding it with my ticket price, so I'll try to keep an open mind going in. We'll see though. I'll let you all know how it goes. Til then ... be cool, stay in school.
Rallying the troops
Saturday, September 7, 2002 3:33 pm
Last night I decided I wanted to go out. I had my out-fit on. So I went over to Allison's to discuss the proposition. To make a long story I don't wanna tell into a short story, two and a half hours later, it was decided that we would indeed, go to Northgate. This was around 11:30, which means we didn't step foot into a bar until midnight. By 'we' I mean 'me, Allison, and Katie.' There was a line for The Library (where I really wanted to go) so we opted for the new MadHatter's ... since none of us had been in there yet. It was pretty neat. They played nothing but 80's music the whole time, so I guess its kinda fun to have a themed bar on Northgate. Their drink specials were chocolate martinis for $2.50. That really didn't sound appetizing to me, but I didn't want to be left out, so I opted for an apple martini for a couple bucks more. Mmmk, if by 'apple martini' they meant 'a big glass of sour apple pucker.' Needless to say, I didn't really enjoy my drink much. Allison and Katie didn't much appreciate their chocolate/alcohol concoctions either. It was a little disappointing. We did run into some of our neighbors there, though, and talked to them for a while. And I saw one of my friends from elementary school and said hi to him for a while. All in all, I had a lot more fun that if I had just gone to bed.
I don't know about Princess tho, she was about as sour as my drink. We got home and she went to bed pretty much. I drank a couple beers and watched an episode of Cheers and then went home and drank my last beer. I was all alone and bored and getting drunk and I needed some company, some conversation, and another beer. So who did I call? Naturally, I called Holly. What a class act. She drove over to my place with 2 beers so we could sit and chat and share a drink. She's too cool. After that I called Keith to make sure he was alright cause it was like 4am and he's usually home before that. Turns out this kid decides to drive to Austin with Burns last night just spur of the moment cause they were bored. Whaaaatever. So then I went to bed and woke up today hearing a howling pouring rainstorm. So I rolled over and went back to sleep. I hate rain.
I heard my Aggies won 14-12 against Pitt. That's good news. Too bad I didn't get up to actually watch the thing, but oh well. Not sure what's on the plate for tonight, but I know I wanna get out of the house at least and mingle a little bit. We'll see what happens and I'll keep you all posted.
No mo school
Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:27 pm
Well, as Fukia-san would put it, "Summer school is OVAH!" Not too shabby. I had my final yesterday and I think I did well enough on it to get me my B. If I didn't, I'd be quite devastated. We celebrated the end of the summer session by heading out to Shadow Canyon for karaoke night. Turns out about 10,000 other students had that same idea. On top of that, Don Gainer (the man who owns every bar on Northgate and is very, very evil -- for those who don't live here) had the bright idea to go ahead and shut off the air conditioning. Needless to say we didn't stay long. We headed over to Fitzwilly's to have a few beers and play some pool.
Earlier in the day I got up around 9:30 and got ready for my final at 10:30. The stupid proctors were a good 15 minutes late, which resulted in the prof giving us all an extra point. Every little bit helps. The test didn't take me too long and then I hit the lab. Previously in the week, I was on the verge of quitting this summer project because I didn't think there was any way I would be able to finish. I was extremely pessimistic. But I was like, "I'll go one more day, it won't do any good but maybe I'll have some miraculous breakthrough and everything will just fall into place." Well, as unlikely as that sounds thats exactly what happened. I can't exactly explain it to you in great detail if you're not in my major, mostly cause you don't give a shit, but out of about 40 files and endless pages of code ... this is all that I changed: always @ (posedge clk) begin to always @ (negedge clk) begin and it instantly went from a worthless piece of shite giving me a headache to a perfectly operating microcontroller. Granted, once it started working I noticed a few hundred bugs and kinks, but those are pretty easy to work out, they just take time. Its a race to the finish line now. And I don't have the 18-25th basically cause of Vegas and my brother's wedding. After that I went and caught dinner with Will since he was leaving for Houston to stay there for good. We went to On the Border, but I wasn't much in the mood to eat so I didn't exactly murder my enchiladas. After that I went home and fell fast asleep. I didn't wake up until 10:30 so I got a pretty late start at the drinking and didn't do much of it.
Right now I need to go work on my project but it is thundering and raining and I really don't want to go to campus and walk thru this. I really can't afford a day off though. It sucks. I'd only have about 3 hours to work if I did go so many I'll just get up at 8 tomorrow and spend the whole day in lab. And just on a final note, my page is not always updated daily. Sometimes I'm busy with things like debugging 100's of lines of code during which I don't like sassy comments about my hiatus. This site is updated daily ... or close enough for you, bitch. 'Nuff said.
Friday, July 19, 2002 2:09 am
YESTERDAY: Yesterday was a hella good time. I skipped class because I was exhausted from the Austin trip and just bummed around the duplex all day long. For dinner I met up with Allison and her mother, Delilah, at Wings N More. The whole Allison gang was there, her roommates, neighbors, and fratdaddy friends. It was so great to see Delilah, not only is she the coolest mom ever, but she's one of the (if not THE) most loyal Sidesho-Viewers. Gotta love that. After a wonderful dinner of chicken tenders, fries, and toast, all soaked into way too much ranch, I went back home to get ready to go to Karaoke Night at Shadow Canyon. We got there around 10 to take advantage of the $3 pitchers until 11. It was around 11 that Allison, in tote with Christine, Katie and the rest of the Dexter gang showed up to Hole in the Wall. For those of you not from College Station, Hole in the Wall is connected to Shadow Canyon. So Allison called me and I met them down there for a couple more pitchers of some Coors Light. We swear it was Coors Light and not Natty. Shadow was Shadow for the rest of the night, a few pitchers and couple chuggers later and we adjourned over at Doug's house (if you'll recall, Doug is the guy who taught us the vicious drinking game last weekend). At Doug's we played a game of 42. Me and Todd completely wiped the floor with Ryan and Doug, and I don't have a clue how to play really. So that was lucky. We finally came home and went to bed, but there was a good time had by all.
TODAY: Today I was forced to skip class again. Big shocker there. I'm going tomorrow (err, today technically) if I ever get to bed. Today I just bummed around again. I did start on the coolest pair of pants ever though. I am cutting up a pair of jeans and stitching them back together with thick ass twine. It looks so cool thus far. Hopefully it will continue in that trend.
TOMORROW: Tomorrow I'm going to class, and then coming home for lunch and stuff. Ryan's parents should be here around 3, and I've never met them so I'm going to wait around for that. Then I am departing for Houston because it is my brother, Stephen's, 24th birthday. I'm going to stay there over night and then come home on Saturday because I have a polisci test on Monday that I'm not too sure about. I did read 3 chapters today though and the test shouldn't be too terribly difficult if the guy gives like 40% A's on pickaprof. Alas, now it is time to hit the proverbial hay. I'll catch you have nots later (incidentally one of the gov. chapters I read tonight was on the concept of haves and have nots. Pretty cool huh?)
Recovery Day
Sunday, March 3, 2002 8:11 pm
Well, as was expected, last night was crazy. There was a massive amount of alcohol consumed. We started off gathering at Allison's duplex. Everyone that was going rode in two cars. It was Allison, me, Katie, Jeffrey, Christine, Ed, DVL, Pool, Virant and some chick named Coony.
We started off at Cheyney's party drinkin some beers. But it was still relatively early, like 8:00, so the party was not hopping, to put it mildly. So we decided to head to Northgate so Al could order herself some shots. We started at Fitzwillies, then went to Hole in the Wall. Allison headed to the Dry Bean Saloon before coming to Hole in the Wall. Then she took a little trip to the Crooked Path while we were there. Needless to say she had a whole lot of shots in a minimal amount of time.
So we decide that we need more to drink. But I hate drinking at bars, although I managed to surpress that and polish off a good third of a pitcher at Hole in the Wall. So we all go back to Cheyney's and hang out for a good while. By then the party was rocking. There are lots of funny stories, but not really any that I feel like posting on this webpage. If you wanna know them you can IM me.
The night ended ... well, wait, I don't really remember that. I know that we all accomplished our goals of getting real real drunk. And I had a most excellent time. Can't wait to do it again next year (or weekend).