SideshoViD Since I've shared my entire journey of trying to #3dprint a #millinery #hatblock it's only fair I share my setbacks too. I finally steamed and blocked a hat this weekend for the first time and the heat and the pressure were too much for the PLA block. I knew this was a possibility going in. Next steps: try ABS plastic with a higher melting point. If that doesn't work then I'll be looking to print molds and cast blocks out of more resilient materials. The quest continues!!!
February 20, 2017
SideshoViD Finally, I present to you my finished #3dprinted #millinery #hatblock brim. I had to #3dprint it in 4 pieces and the finished assembly measures about 15"x13". This represents about 72 hours of total #3dprinting time! I just need to glue it up and it's time to block! #dijonmillinery
February 17, 2017
SideshoViD This is just a fourth of my #millinery #hatblock brim and it takes up almost the entire build plate! Definitely my biggest print to date. 18 hours X 4 to finish it and see how well it assembles! Then, then it will be time to block and see if I need to make any adjustments and start ALL over! #3Dprinting #dijonmillinery
December 29, 2016
SideshoViD 22 hours later, that's a fine looking #hatblock. Logo and sizing information embedded in the bottom and look, my calculations were correct! I can print this literally ANY size with the touch of a button! Next, it's time to actually block it and see if it makes a halfway decent hat. #3Dprinting #millinery #maker #dijonmillinery
December 17, 2016
SideshoViD About to hit go on this 24-hour long #3dprint. It's my first #millinery #hatblock since I reworked everything for #3dprinting. Logo and sizing information embedded in the bottom. Can't wait to try to block it! #cura #openscad #3dprinter #dijonmillinery
December 16, 2016
SideshoViD It's been a challenging weekend on the #3Dprinting front. First extruder clog, first filament tangle, and now first limit switch failure. Sigh. But I did manage to convert my logo to a 3d height map and print a test for branding and sizing my blocks. Hurray for small victories! #dijonmillinery
November 13, 2016
SideshoViD Things were looking good on my #3dprint when I left for dinner, but came home to this. 😳 There's 10 hours wasted. #3dprinting #3dprintingfail #walkingintospiderwebs #leaveamessageandillcallayouback
November 12, 2016
SideshoViD Today I #3dprinted a 1/5 scale model of an upturned #millinery #hatblock #brim. To go full scale, I needed to figure out how to #3dprint a large object in pieces and then fit it together with a #dovetail joint. Had a successful scale print on that front too. Progress, progress. #dijonmillinery
October 30, 2016
SideshoViD For the past 6 years I've been pursuing my #millinery dream of a #3dprinted #hatblock and today I decided to stop testing and go for it. It took 28 hours to print and for sure much innovation will take place to improve the process but it worked!!! I'm over the moon! #hictop #reprap #prusai3 #3dprinting #hatblocks #dijonmillinery
September 4, 2016
SideshoViD Just a couple of #3dprinted scale models of my #millinery #hatblock proof of concept. One step closer to the dream! #dijonmillinery
July 20, 2016
SideshoViD There really is no substitute for a good lift when blocking. #millinery #dijonmillinery #bowler #hatblock
January 22, 2016
SideshoViD Nothing left to do on this #hatblock but block it! #millinery #dijonmillinery #bowler
January 19, 2016
SideshoViD Took a little hiatus during the house building but I'm back at it! Added a little tissue paper this time mostly for aesthetic reasons. #millinery #hatblock #dijonmillinery
January 2, 2016
SideshoViD Did somebody order a top hat brim #hatblock #millinery #dijonmillinery
January 24, 2015
SideshoViD And for comparison, the completed #hatblock constructed from layers of 3/16" foam board cut from cross sections of the 3D cad model and assembled then sanded smooth. #millinery #dijonmillinery #fedora
January 10, 2015
SideshoViD Design files for my latest blocked hat. Manufacturing is improving with each block! Might be time to try more out there designs soon. #dijonmillinery #hatblock #openscad #millinery
January 3, 2015
SideshoViD Well my hand is now cramped into a gnarled, unusable stump, but at least I have something to show for it. This is harder than I thought. #millinery #hatblock #dijonmillinery #tophat
December 16, 2014
SideshoViD You can always tell a Dijon! #dijonmillinery #millinery
December 13, 2014
SideshoViD My new stamp came! Time to start a brand! #dijonmillinery #trodat
December 12, 2014
SideshoViD I think it's a winner! #millinery #dijonmillinery
December 11, 2014
SideshoViD Come on, David. You can do this. #millinery #singersewingmachine #singer99 #dijonmillinery
December 10, 2014
SideshoViD Not looking that great right now but a successful proof of concept. After a little shaving and fitting it'll be a totally custom 6-piece mad hatter puzzle block! #millinery #hatblock #dijonmillinery
December 9, 2014
SideshoViD Seeing what others from the local #millinery class have done with my #hatblock was unexpectedly exhilarating! #dijonmillinery
November 15, 2014
SideshoViD Wait, how did I forget I had this in the closet? Grandma's sewing machine still makes a mean stitch!
October 16, 2014
SideshoViD Off the block, onto the model #dijonmillinery #millinery
October 7, 2014
SideshoViD Latest custom #hatblock I just finished making blocked nicely today. Wide brimmed #fedora from #dijonmillinery
October 5, 2014
SideshoViD Add to it until you think it's too much… Then double it! #dijonmillinery #papillon
October 2, 2014
SideshoViD hatsfordays @cloudxiiidesign
August 22, 2014
SideshoViD Somebody else blocking my block! It's almost more exciting than doing it myself #millinery
July 26, 2014
SideshoViD Added some sweet new stickers to my millinery attaché. @katiegazelle
June 28, 2014
SideshoViD Sizing sprayed, lining tacked in place, just waiting for my leather sweatband to arrive and this one will be done! #millinery #dijonmillinery
June 28, 2014
SideshoViD May not look like much but it's some of my best sewing ever. Top stitching on the seams of my custom liner from my own six piece pattern (in dijon yellow, of course). #millinery #dijonmillinery
June 17, 2014
SideshoViD Loving this new Instagram app. Latest hat block blocked without a hitch. New natural fiber ropes worked without pins. So excited to try it on! #millinery #dijonmillinery #hatblock
June 5, 2014
SideshoViD Checking out the competition #philiptreacy #london #millinery
April 7, 2014
SideshoViD Have to stop here for today. My cutting hand is cramping up #millinery #hatblock
March 23, 2014
SideshoViD Making sure the fit will be perfect. This one is for me! Another #fedora #hatblock #dijonmillinery
March 2, 2014
SideshoViD Latest #hatblock today. Decided to hit this one with a coat of paint before the lacquer and final sanding. #millinery #dijonmillinery #cloudxiiidesigns #dcxiii
February 16, 2014
SideshoViD Finished product. #millinery #maker #babyfedora #dijonmillinery
January 19, 2014
SideshoViD This is what #millinery means to me these days. Carving a custom #fedora #hatblock
January 19, 2014
SideshoViD Here we go again. Cross sections for the new #hatblock #millinery #dijonmillinery #maker
January 11, 2014
SideshoViD First successful photo shoot. Thank you @amc868s for making my model! #millinery #couture #butterflies #flowers #prettyinpink
December 17, 2013