I’m moving to Tyler soon |
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 11:15 pm |
My new niece could not have been cuter. She is so, so tiny. She has a full head of hair that is probably the softest thing I have ever felt. I got her a green outfit for her birthday because I didn't want her to get pinched next Thursday. She's just a baby, for g*d's sake. It's not nice to pinch babies. She's too young for beer, but maybe my sis will be festive and feed her green breast milk.
That was gross, sorry. Not much else of note going on over here. I'm counting the days until Sweden just trying not to get fired before then. Tomorrow is the day Home and Garden will call me and let me know that I've won this years 3.5 million dollar dream home in Tyler, TX, along with the new Chevy Denali (sp?) and the $250,000 in cash. I can't wait to move in. I mean I entered like 10 times, so I'm a total shoo-in.
This'll be like the time I won an enormous stuffed animal from the dentist named Kiki. One time, I said to my brother, "Let's play beat the Kiki! I get the stick!" and took one swing at the enormous koala bear with the dowel rod we used to protect us from someone opening our bedroom window. One swing and the eye broke in half and rolled away. I was so upset. I didn't hit a baseball in 4 seasons, but I can crack an eyeball with a dowel rod in one try.
Why is it that tomorrow is spelled t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w but I abbreviate it as "tomm?"
I think I've decided to get a tattoo. Which I probably shouldn't tell you all because my brother will read and tell my mother and she will go absolutely ape-shit. But as of yet, I don't know what I want or where. So I'll entertain your suggestions, as long as your suggestions entertain me.
Thanks for all the great comments on my new layout, bitches! *makes masturbatorial motion*
No mo school |
Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:27 pm |
Well, as Fukia-san would put it, "Summer school is OVAH!" Not too shabby. I had my final yesterday and I think I did well enough on it to get me my B. If I didn't, I'd be quite devastated. We celebrated the end of the summer session by heading out to Shadow Canyon for karaoke night. Turns out about 10,000 other students had that same idea. On top of that, Don Gainer (the man who owns every bar on Northgate and is very, very evil -- for those who don't live here) had the bright idea to go ahead and shut off the air conditioning. Needless to say we didn't stay long. We headed over to Fitzwilly's to have a few beers and play some pool.
Earlier in the day I got up around 9:30 and got ready for my final at 10:30. The stupid proctors were a good 15 minutes late, which resulted in the prof giving us all an extra point. Every little bit helps. The test didn't take me too long and then I hit the lab. Previously in the week, I was on the verge of quitting this summer project because I didn't think there was any way I would be able to finish. I was extremely pessimistic. But I was like, "I'll go one more day, it won't do any good but maybe I'll have some miraculous breakthrough and everything will just fall into place." Well, as unlikely as that sounds thats exactly what happened. I can't exactly explain it to you in great detail if you're not in my major, mostly cause you don't give a shit, but out of about 40 files and endless pages of code ... this is all that I changed: always @ (posedge clk) begin to always @ (negedge clk) begin and it instantly went from a worthless piece of shite giving me a headache to a perfectly operating microcontroller. Granted, once it started working I noticed a few hundred bugs and kinks, but those are pretty easy to work out, they just take time. Its a race to the finish line now. And I don't have the 18-25th basically cause of Vegas and my brother's wedding. After that I went and caught dinner with Will since he was leaving for Houston to stay there for good. We went to On the Border, but I wasn't much in the mood to eat so I didn't exactly murder my enchiladas. After that I went home and fell fast asleep. I didn't wake up until 10:30 so I got a pretty late start at the drinking and didn't do much of it.
Right now I need to go work on my project but it is thundering and raining and I really don't want to go to campus and walk thru this. I really can't afford a day off though. It sucks. I'd only have about 3 hours to work if I did go so many I'll just get up at 8 tomorrow and spend the whole day in lab. And just on a final note, my page is not always updated daily. Sometimes I'm busy with things like debugging 100's of lines of code during which I don't like sassy comments about my hiatus. This site is updated daily ... or close enough for you, bitch. 'Nuff said.
Brrr |
Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:53 am |
Hey, thanks for all the great comments yesterday *makes masturbatorial motion* Anywho, some people grasped the concept, the rest of you, I'll have to have a talkin to. So, to everyone in Aggieland, is it fucking cold enough for you today? My God, I don't know what the temperature is, but the wind chill must be below freezing. I wasn't wearing a single article of clothing today that could block the wind. Today sucks. And I have to go back out in it in a couple of hours. I'm gonna maybe take a nap or watch some TV for a couple minutes. Then I'm gonna go get Lisa Loeb's new album. It's gonna be most excellent. If you want to hear her new single, Someone You Should Know, on Real Player, you can click there. Then I'm gonna go get some tickets for me and Keith to Thursday's showing of The Vagina Monologues. Then its off to class for the rest of the day. It should be a fun and exciting, albeit subfreezing, day.
New Format |
Monday, February 25, 2002 7:06 pm |
Hey, I'd like to welcome everybody to the newly formated SideshoViD.com. I spent all day getting my new weblogger program, GreyMatter, to work. Its all running off of my site now, no more blogger.com. First and foremost, I'd like to thank my friend, SHAN, who helped me get it all set up. Without his help, I would still be shaking my monitor getting ready to throw it out the window. I hope you all like the new look. I wanted the blog a little skinnier so I moved it over here and then threw the SideshoPic and SideshoPoll off to the side. Part of me thinks its nicer, part of me isn't quite sure. One thing is for sure, some very exciting things are happening at SideshoViD.com. I don't really feel like I'm finished with this blogger, but I was too excited to wait any longer before unveiling it. Also, the rest of the pages are in the same format, not this forced width, so they'll be changing slowly I'm sure. It's a very exciting time. The most exciting thing of those being COMMENTS! If you look below it will tell you how many comments have been posted about this particular blog. If you have something to say, either to me, or to another Sidesho-Viewer, simply click down below, and put your comment into the white boxes. Its very exciting stuff. I hope to see lots of great comments. Peace and love, you have nots!