Last week the Snoring Center called me and asked me if I would come into the office for an interview. They didn't really have a chance to explain before I blurted out, "I'll do it!" So the next day I showed up ready to espouse the virtues of sleep medicine to whatever news agency found the story worthy. Turns out its some show that might air on MSNBC and is hosted by Hugh Downs! How fun. I still need to email the guy to find out when/if it will air and he also said he would send me a DVD. So cool. I probably look/sound like a douche, but at least I sound like a total douche ... ON TV!
In other news, I bought a new pair of everyday jeans. If you don't know this about me, I wear the same pair of jeans every day of my life. They're not so much a garment as they are my purse. And I can't be transferring everything I carry around on a daily basis every day just because I'm switching pants. I'm really keen on Levis since they're more solid colored, and less faded/shredded than more fashionable, more expensive, and less durable brands. But I will tell you this. Levis last for exactly 365 wears. It's happened twice in a row now that my every day jeans wear out almost exactly one year from the day I bought them. This newest pair I don't actually have yet because they're being tailored at the moment. I've never had a pair of jeans tailored before so I'm really hopeful that they'll be my best pair yet. Here's to '09!
I also bought myself a motorcycle jacket. It's black and mesh and armored all over. It felt kind of weird at first but now I really like it. It will save me from breaking elbows and shoulders, but more importantly from requiring skin grafts should I need to go into a controlled slide to avoid an accident. I can't wait to try it out.
I also bought myself a new cell phone. I was on a random spending spree this week. I had a little extra money in the ol' bank account and despite a matching amount of extra debt in the ol' credit account, I considered it a bonus to be spent frivolously. But it was all stuff that I needed. My phone was like 4 years old and it was time for me to join the millenium. So I got a Shadow slider phone that runs Windows mobile. It's so cool. I am so far behind on technology so I'm not even going to brag about features it has that you had years ago, but trust me, it's cool.
So pretty good week for me. Hope you sluts had a good one. Catch you on the flip side.