I officially got in trouble for parking my Vespa indoors. I would have thought the exhaust fumes and gas vapors would be the reason, but it turns out they consider it a fire hazard. Who woulda knew? I got a less than friendly call from the parking people. But really it's only halfway my fault. They wouldn't give me permission to park in the garage over the weekend and then on Monday told me to park in a motorcycle spot ... and there are none. But we finally got it all worked out now and I can park wherever I want, just not inside.
I'm getting a little better at riding. I started out just practicing in a parking lot near my apartment and then graduated to the 30mph roads around the neighborhood. I've gotten brave a couple of times and gone out on major streets during low traffic times. My real problem is accelerating from a stop. I'm not very fluid with the gears so it takes me a little while to get up to 40mph and by then cars are honking and going around. But luckily I don't care. I think if I can ride it a lot this weekend and a little each day next week I might be ready to ride it to work every day. I definitely want to, I'm just not confident enough yet.
One of my favorite things about riding it is that I get respect from big Harley hog motorcycle riders. They all wave to me when I pass them on the street. I don't know why I find that as hilarious as I do but it's nice to get my propers. I have some friends from work coming over tomorrow to test her out and that'll be good for me because it's kind of boring to just practice riding, but when you're taking turns it's pretty fun. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.