It’s beginning to look a lot like Solstice
Wednesday, December 22, 2004 4:58 pm

You all know how much I hate the rain. And you all know how much I hate the cold. The bastard child of their unholy union is infinitely worse. I fucking hate the snow. I woke up this morning to the sound of sleet against my window, thought, "Fuck that," to myself, and rolled over and went back to sleep. Needless to say, I was about an hour late to work. Then I checked and saw this massive wall of ice sweeping across the nation, thought, "Fuck that," to myself, and went home.

I was there for all of an hour, most of which I spent learning Chinese from Yue. She found the greatest Chinese restaurant, she claims, but they have separate menus for those who speak their language and for those of us with white skin. I want the good shit, not the white person menu, so I made her teach me how to say, "I can understand you," so I can get some respect when they start talking shit about me in Chinese.

Wa ke yi ming bai ni, bitch.

This little picture collage I made for you are pictures from my bedroom window. So that's not my building, but the building across the street. I have always said, I have the BEST fucking view from my apartment ... if you like water towers. That picture on the far left is of my building, all the little awnings have snow on them. Awwww.

So I spent the day napping, working out, cooking myself food. Just a little Solstice gift from yours truly to yours truly. Now I have off from work until Monday. Thursday the new club, Station 4, opens downtown, then its time to open presents, celebrate the supposed birth of my supposed lord and saviour, jebus h. christ. After that, I should be around to update you all. Have a wonderful holiday, whichever religion, or lack thereof, you prescribe to! Peace on earth, and good will toward me!

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God Bless you my friend! Your web-site restores a smile to my face that this fucking cold weather had once taken away.

Ryan Short

Feel better, punkin: says that, for now, the high on New Year’s Eve will be 77?F.

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD