Since the invitations to David27's apartment weren't exactly forthcoming last night, I decided to take it upon myself and surprise him so I could finally see my fish and meet 28. I was really excited so I went home after class, ran some errands, and then dropped by. David27 had just gotten out of a movie and was on his way back but two guys were in his apartment so I was able to sneak in and get a look at 28. He was a gorgeous fish with redish scales that had lines of blue in the ribbon-like fins. He looked so beautiful ... laying lifeless on the bottom of the fish bowl.
... and I never even got to meet him. It is so depressing, and far more symbolic than I would ever venture to admit. David27 said he could go exchange him for a new fish at Wal-Mart and I guess I'll be happy with another fish, just like the first one, I might even name him 28, but he'll never take the place of the fish I never had.
I wanted to give him a burial at sea, or let him at least fertilize my wildflowers so he could live on thru them ... but 27 said he needs him so he can exchange him. It is so sad.