Blogs, blogs everywhere
Friday, January 30, 2004 6:00 pm

This is a post I've been meaning to put up for a while. I've just been waiting for a day when I didn't have anything to really say. This is the blog blog, if you will. And I will. Those of you who know me know that I spend a ridiculous amount of my life on my website, but I spend just as much, if not more, time reading other peoples' blogs. I wanted you all to appreciate just how insane I am with this. I read all of these blogs ... on a more than daily basis. Here they are now, in the order that I check them every day. And the nominees are...

So, as you can see, I'm not fuckin around. If everybody just had a blog, we could completely eliminate the need for interpersonal communication. Think about it. We'd all still carry cell phones though, so when we saw someone we knew, we could pull up their webpage and read it while they stood there silently. Sigh ... in a perfect world. If you're not on this list, that means I haven't been reading your site and I need a link. Later, you have-nots.

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wow, you check mine first? that’s awesome. i should tell you that today i developed this roll of slide film that had been sitting in my camera for 7 months. you were on it, looking good with a beard 🙂 i’ll show you once i get prints…


so many blogs, yet so few of us with a website.

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD