I have done nothing since school ended but drink. I guess that qualifies as my greatest aspiration in life. I am such a douche bag. Anyway, I've managed to spice it up a little bit here and there. Thursday I wore my new outfit to rave reviews. That's always fun. On Friday night Tommy went totally goth and I half assed along. I told you all I was gonna. Saturday was more glam than anything, but still hideous. I just get so damn bored doing the same thing day in and day out.
Last night I sat around all fucking night by myself and decided too late to buy any that I wanted a beer. So I got on the horn and found Josh who had some. I went and chilled with him but the beer soon ran out and he passed out cause apparently he'd been drinking vodka alll day. Go figure. I rounded out the night with like 5 shots but never felt drunk. Thats because I remember the Alamo.
Not sure what is on the slate for today. It would be awesome if I would do laundry since I've been free balling for like 2 weeks now. But that involves getting up and leaving the house and I detest doing things. Wish me luck, dear viewers. Tomorrow I return to the homeland. Peace out.