Dessert Oasis
Monday, November 24, 2003 4:26 pm

Last night I was starving and we didn't have much to eat around the house. I checked on my apples in the crisper and one was all brown and mushy, but the other appeared to be edible. (SiDENote: I was just going to make a clever comment about how the word 'edible' should be spelled 'eatable' but says they are synonyms. Somebody thought of it first.)

Anyway, I'd been watching the Food Network all day celebrating their 'Let's Talk Turkey' programming, and everyone was doing fun stuff with apples. 'How do you like that massage, Mr. Turkey?' So I decided I wanted to do something fun with my apple and set about to frying it. First, I cut it up into thin slices, and then sprinkled it with generous portions of sugar. Then I melted about a quarter of a stick of butter and heated it up. Now, I have always enjoyed the smell of melted butter, especially when it first starts to brown. It makes my mouth positively water. But I'm starting to learn that it's rather nauseating to other people. Keith used to complain every time I cooked (since nothing I cook involves less than a stick of butter) and last night Owen was in his room with his T-shirt over his face to avoid the smell. Go figure.

Anyway, once it was really hot, I put my apple in and fried the hell out of it. I tasted it to see if it was good and it was a little bit too buttery, so I thought that if I just had a crust to soak in some butter it would be alright. In a last minute alteration to the recipe, I crumbled up some Saltines and poured the apple concoction on top. It was so delicious, I don't mind telling you. It tasted just like apple pie.

Not to be out-done, Owen went to the grocery store later that night and returned with a huge smirk on his face. He'd bought an assortment of strawberries, bananas, apples and pita bread, and said he was going to make us a dessert. I didn't know about his 'secret' ingredient though, and when I got my fruit pita, it had a white substance on it.

It turned out his secret ingredient was cream cheese. But I think traditionally if you're going to combine cream cheese with fruit you mix in like 2 cups of confectionary sugar first. He didn't do this so it ended up being really nasty. We ate the fruit and shoved our pitas down the garbage disposal. So now we each have our own special recipes for desserts that will really make you hurl! And since nobody seems to post comments much these days, I pose this question: Have you ever invented your own recipe (dessert related or not) that went horribly wrong? Comment amongst yourselves.

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Well this one time my friends and I tried to make cookies…. but once we had started we realized that she didn’t have any flour. So we literally went door to door asking to borrow a cup of flour (very fifies I know). The cool part is we actually succeeded in obtaining the flour! While in the mean time another friend that was still at her house remembered that you could whisk egg white and used it as flour substitute…. So by the time we got back, we realized that we didn’t have enough flour for the recipe. Plus, the whole egg white thing went terribly wrong. Being the unknowing 13 yr olds we were, we decided to bake them anyway. Our concoction ended up being this chocolate-chip- pancake like substance…. Needless to say we didn’t eat them, rather we went to the grocery store and bought cookies instead…..

And that’s my story


No!!! Ha, ha!!! Maybe that’s because I really don’t cook. = /


Anything involving pizza sauce, refried beans, and three week old bread, sealed to perfection.

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD