Hate is never great
Thursday, October 30, 2003 3:03 pm

Walking back from Yoga I saw a large crowd of people gathered around the Sul Ross statue outside of the Academic Building. My curiosity piqued, I ventured closer to find out which insane right wing christian group was starting shit. The only reason I did so is because occasionally someone will be out there yelling the word "VAGINA!" and I love playing Vagina Day games. As I got closer, I recognized the all too familiar foul stench of Tom Short, nationally known campus speaker. My natural instincts are to turn and run from this man, not because I'm intimidated (although I've witnessed first hand his ability to talk his way out of any logical situation) but because I think the only way to send a message to him that he's not wanted is to ignore him, not argue with him. Arguing with him is just what he wants.

Against my better jugement, I decided to see if Owen was sitting out there listening to him. Owen has some sick fascination with Tom Short, as well as Mormons and his friend Adrian. Alas, he was not out there, but I made the mistake of coming within earshot long enough to hear him say something about homosexuals. Then I was stuck. Here's his story pretty ver batim (that means 'word for word,' Joseph).

"I was talking up at the University of Maryland one day and a young man who identified as gay said, Tom, do you think we should kill all the homosexuals? And I said we need to save them. And he said again, Tom, do you think we should kill all of the homosexuals? And again, I said that if they found Jesus etc, he said TOM, do you think we should kill all the homosexuals?

"And this went on for about a half an hour before I finally decided to address this young man's question directly. And I said yes, I think we should kill all of the homosexuals. But first, why don't we start with the young man that corrupted and perverted you, the one who made you think you were gay. And he stopped, and his face softened, and he said, you know, Tom, you're right."

WHAT?!?! WHO THE FUCK WOULD AGREE WITH THAT?! My god this man is a fucking idiot. I don't mind so much that one guy is a fucking worthless piece of shit beyond all reason and so intrenched in a 2000 year old fairy tale praying to Mother Goose that he should be fed to the lions, but I can't believe he is allowed to spread hate throughout the nation.

This man needs to learn that what he is doing is wrong. But since he knows how to work the free speech areas, we can't exactly silence him. So this is what I uncharacteristically suggest. If you see him, lets teach him that ignorance breeds intolerance, intolerance breeds hatred, hate begets hate, and hate begets violence. So if you see him, pick up a rock or something and throw it at his face. The more adamantly you know he's wrong, the bigger the rock should be. I gotta go now, I have some bricks to throw.

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you know david, I’ve been your friend for a while and a roomate for a spell too, and I think he should relate to his own “rule-book”, i.e. the bible, and listen to the phrase that says in a round about way “judge not lest ye be judged” which I recall falls in the book of Matthew. I’m no scholar on the bible, but hey can you argue with a book that is supposed to be the doctrine of his faith?? Throw a brick for me.


Shoot, once again I missed ole Tom. Sad thing is, he’s not the scary one. Try talking to some of those people that think that Tom IS Jesus. THOSE are the scary ones. Furthermore, I just have to say, contrary to popular belief, Jesus was not a fairy, he had quite a friend in that prostitute groupy.


well maddou02 there is a veritable assload of bible passages that would be used to combat Tom’s retarded argument, but the barren fact is common sense should over rule his outright stupiditiy. Starting with “thou shalt not murder” and go straight on through “go forth and make disciples of all nations.” Man what a fucking waste of oxygen. I’ll be back from home depot in a bit, gotta pick up some bricks.


Okay guys, honestly, all this talk about stoning Tom though, that would be exactly what he’d want. Then he’d be thought of as a martyr or something like that. The best way to handle Tom is to ignore him, or make your own group of “misfits” to have your own discussion like we did last year.

erik grande

Greetings from Beantown. As for your story, there’s only one preacher I listen to…. http://www.breakfastparade.com/halloween/images/P1010001.jpg


… what a douche!

erik grande

it’s pretty easy to talk shit on a message board, isn’t it?


i’m so sorry david…

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