More like chauvilry
Thursday, September 4, 2003 9:21 am

Stop me if I'm wrong here (... on second thought, don't) but I think guys who adhere to the outdated philosophy of chivalry all deserve to be hit on the head with a tack hammer. I'm not saying that men shouldn't respect women ... especially whilst trying to get head. But there are some guys on the Texas A&M campus who take it just a little too far. And these, my friends, are the idiots who give up their seats on the bus.

Now I have a lot of lazy female friends who would argue that this practice should remain the norm. But I disagree. Circle gets the square. It is one thing to give up your seat if there was only one seat left on the whole bus and you pushed a girl down to steal it, only to feel remorse a few seconds later. Then you might give it to her. Or if you're just tired of sitting and your legs need a stretch -- provided the bus is otherwise empty -- then stand to let someone sit. Also, if she has two broken legs, perhaps you should consider giving up your seat to this unfortunate girl. Those are the only reason to do it.

Instead what happens is inbred rednek assholes make a big production about getting out of their seat, displacing the tightly packed crowd and loudly announce, "Huuyuck, here take muh seat." Hmm, that rednek turned more into Disney's Goofy than anything. Anyway, then people try to make room for some fatass to clamber over them to take the seat and I'm like "You wouldn't sleep with that girl in a million years, why did you give her your seat?" Besides, half the time the message doesn't get communicated, its too crowded, or the girl has enough respect for herself to ignore these assholes and whatever guy is closest to the vacant seat plops down. Good job, asshole, you just gave up your seat to a dude.

Also, is it just me, or should all of these stores around town who are surrounded by construction be hanging up white sheets with the letters printed on them "I ASSURE YOU ... WE ARE OPEN."

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Again! The best part of the blog is the title. I’m such a sucker for puns!

Not that the post itself was bad oranything. It was quite a keen observation (I can offer no support, for I don’t ride A&M buses, or any bus for that matter, but c’mon, chauvilry?! That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!


i witnessed one of the infamous seat give-ups today on the bus. it truely looked as if the girl wanted to vomit all over the guy, but she certainly took his seat for all it was worth.

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