An old school story
Saturday, August 9, 2003 3:26 pm

So yesterday some of Ryan and Todd's friends from out of town came to visit. People that have been in this blog before, like DAvid and Joel. And I met Wally and Daniel as well, two more grads from Arlington High. And of course, they were in the mood to party, so after a bit of pre-gaming, we headed to the Northgate. Oh, before I go any further, I did bring my camera with me last night, and though I didn't take many pictures, I did promise DAvid that I would put a picture of him on my website.

As you can see, DAvid is going bald. So back to my story. Todd, DAvid, Wally and I decided that instead of buying our own drinks, we would just take turns buying rounds, so DAvid started off with the Royal Fuck. Mmm, delicious. Wally countered with a shot of straight Goldschlager. Always a treat. Todd spent his money on Red Headed Sluts. Can't go wrong. And believe it or not, I actually bought my round, only I did it at the Dry Bean. And everyone came with. So Mr. Big Shot (no pun intended) decides to buy a Screaming Nazi for everyone there. Ended up being $32, but it was delicious so I didn't care.

So now we've got some beers and shots in our system and we go to Shadow Canyon to dance the night away. Oh, and drink more. I actually danced so you know I was quite faded. Ran into Dustin and Trey on the dance floor. It was almost closing time so they were double fisting, which, to me, was an invitation to steal a drink. It was a vodka sour. Then I felt like an asshole so I went to get us each a drink before 1. I am carrying 3 double cherry vodka sours, spilling them all over people, and they were gone. I could not freaking find them. I bumped into some girl and as my apology I gave her a drink. Then I gave the other drink to some random girl. Who does that? They should have been more wary of me, but I didn't slip anything in them so it was okay.

No problem, it was closing time. I thought I'd just meet up with my friends and go home. Whoops, where were they? I don't know. I ended up sitting on the curb of the EZMart dialing people in my phone to come get me because Todd wouldn't answer his damn phone. I got fucking left. That sucks. Anyway, Dustin and Trey swung by and picked me up and took me to Ryan and Todd's where the party was still rocking. Needless to say, this is where I ended up:

Just be glad I photoshopped out the contents of the toilet. Let this be a PSA for you. How tacky am I. Can't wait to do it all again tonight. Czech you skillets lata.

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Ryan Hudler

Uh yeah, nobody “photo-shopped” anything out of the toilet when David was shouting at me to come take a picture of him puking “quick!”

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