Holy crap. I've just been inside the mind of a genius. My soon-to-be-roommate, Owen, is enrolled in SCOM (Speech Communications to the layperson) this summer. His first assignment was to write a speech comparing him to a famous person. In the end, the famous person he chose was ... the common household lightbulb. I thought it was pretty cool that he'd chosen a person invented by the late, great American-extraordinaire, Albert Einstein. But I had no idea how cool it was until he sent me a copy of his speech. My favorite part of it wasn't even a part of the speech, just his notes at the top. And now, I invite you all to take a taste of the sheer madness that is Owen:
Light bulb: bright. internal circuitry. pale white. 60W(use power). give off heat(how much heat?). / incandescant. 120VAC(call someone at the electric company[ants crawling up arm]). canada(ask mom[how do i know this? i asked the one person that would know.). thomas edison. tungsten(what is that, and what is it made of?)
That is all, thank you.