Let me tell you folks whats been happening lately, or like late last week.
As you know, last Friday was Valentines Day. However, I had two huge tests to prepare for. Thus, I decided to study until 8:30 or 9 and then head over to my girlfriends place and get drunk to celebrate. On my way out the door though, my roommate asked me if I could buy him beer for like 6 people. Normally I would be pretty peeved at this request, but being the goodhearted soul I was at that moment, I decided, "why not." So, after a stop at Appletree to get two 30 packs of Miller's "High-Life", my roommate's a classy guy, I headed over to Megan's apartment to celebrate, and get drunk. After exchanging gifts and various terms of endearment, I began to get drunk. And as the evening wound on, and the bottle of Vodka wound down, Megan and I found ourselves laughing heartily while being serenaded with "What's Goin On" (the Marvin Gaye classic) courtesy "Usher" on BET's Valentines special. Needless to say, the experience was both enjoyable and unusual. All in all, I'm FAIRLY certain I passed out around 1 am.
Now, let's rewind to Thursday night. I was studying for a test I had the next day when I remembered I was supposed to get in touch with ViD. We had discussed hanging out and writing the first ever Point-Counterpoint that night. Before I called him though, I planned on canceling due to my academic obligations the next day. However as I was studying, I realized the stuff was b.s. I tried to study some more, but I couldn't. When I finally got in touch around 10:30 pm, Mr. Sidesho's evening at Northgate was already well under way. The temptation to go hang out was too great, so I gathered up my books and walked over to the bar in hopes of finding the creator of SideshoViD.com! When I got there, I was greeted by a loud, slightly slurred ViD. Eventually Ryan showed up and the three of us shared a few beers and a conversation. Pretty uneventful.
Apparently though, by the time the bars closed, your friend and mine was pretty tanked, and I have reliable sources telling me that when he arrived home he passed out on his bathroom floor, with the heat fan on, for approximately 2 hours. Hahahaha. Anyway I gotta take off, you folks take it nice and easy.
idiot savant ('E-"dyO-sä-'vän) noun
1. A mentally defective person who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field.
2. A person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else.