This is just a quick note to inform you all of a neat little feature that Greymatter has. Greymatter is the cgi program that I use to generate this website. It is available for download at I just thought I would throw that in there since I'm supposed to keep an icon of greysoft on my page while I'm using it, but puh-lease, you know it didn't fit into my theme. Anywho, the feature I'm talking about is comments.
If you look at the top right of each of these "IM" windows you will see a link that says Comments Posted: followed by a number. If you click that it will open up a spot on the left where you can enter your name and comments for all to read and enjoy. I felt the need to bring this to everyone's attention because I just came home to about 8 IMs on my desktop telling me that you've enjoyed the new layout. I was excited then to go see what kind of comments were left and was disappointed to find that there wasn't a single one. So I realized that you were all IMing me because you didn't see the link or didn't know about comments. I wanted to get you in the know.
On another note, Ryan was having a fantod last night because the word of the day is gone. So I told him I would start trying to throw a new word into every blog. So here it is:
solecism (SOL-i-siz-ehm, SOA-li-) noun
1. A nonstandard usage or grammatical construction.
2. A violation of etiquette.
3. An impropriety, a mistake, or an incongruity.