Sigh, its that time again. That time when I have nothing better to do than sit down and update my webpage. You're in luck though because I have a really good story for you all. Well, actually, its just a good story to me, you might hate it, but I don't care.
So Joseph came over last night to get drunk with me. We had some Coors and Stones and sat around bullshitting. We went outside for a smoke and there were two girls standing outside my house, so we started talking to them. It turned out that one of them used to live in my neighbor's duplex, and they were just visiting. They were attending a party in the next building down from me and invited us to go over there with them. Aight, so we went.
We walk in and every guy there is like 8 feet tall and 250 lbs, and every girl is skinny, blonde, and huge-breasted. I was wearing a sweatshirt and a tennis head band. Me and Joseph, Matt and Suds ... mosdef stood out like sore thumbs. So the party starts dying down and Joseph recognizes all of these guys as being A&M football players. He sees Duwan Gentry, who plays corner back, and in his drunken state decides to go talk to him. Joseph's all "Hey whatsup Duwan, how do you like Franchionne?" and this guy does NOT want to talk to Joseph, he's all flipping thru his cell phone numbers looking for an out. And then Cody Scates walks in and Duwan was like "What'd you say Cody, hold on I'll be right there" and makes his escape. I guarantee you that Cody didn't say a word to him. It was so funny.
So that's my story. I love crashing parties, it is so hilarious especially when you really don't belong there. At least I don't have purple hair anymore, that always threw a monkey wrench in the crashing process. Oh well, I'm sick of blogging, czech you skillets later.