Lose Yourself
Monday, October 21, 2002 5:22 pm

I took my symphony class this morning. It was so stupid. It was like "True or False, Beethoven composed his last 8 concertos entitled the Brandenberg Concertos while living in London." And my reaction was "derrrrrrrrrrrr." Like I really care about that crap. Knowing where Beethoven lived doesn't enhance my understanding or pleasure in the music. But alas, it was a multiple choice test. I haven't taken since like the 3rd grade, so maybe I'll still do alright. And even if I don't, there's so much freaking extra credit in that class that I'm sure I could still make above a 100.

Here's a fun sidesho-tidbit. I get this IM last night from some girl named Faith who says "Hey this is going to sound really stupid." And she procedes to explain to me that she got my screen name off of her friend's buddy list last November and has been visiting my website ever since. She doesn't live in College Station but was in town visiting a friend and they went out to Northgate. She told me that on her visit to CS, she had to rare honor of seeing yours truly out at that sushi bar on Northgate. She was understandably excited about the whole situation. I hated to explain to her that I was in Dallas on Friday night and I don't eat sushi. So then she felt even stupider about the whole situation. Yay, I have a stalker!

Then it set me thinking. What if someone else sees this apparent stunt-double that I have out somewhere. How will they differentiate me from him? More importantly ... how on earth is there someone as good looking as me walking the streets of College Station. Anyway, if any of you stalkers out there that I don't know think you see me somewhere in town, here's what I've decided you should do. Come within ear shot of me or my stunt double and say "Sidesho." Its sad, but I will respond ... and no other sane person will. So there you go. I hope to hear some of you hollarin at me soon, you freaking psychos.

Nothing else is really new. My life is a major bore. I missed out on my usual heavy drinking this weekend so I can just tell that this week is going to drag on forever! Just remember, Jesus loves you ... and so does the Easter Bunny.

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Haha. You got a wicked since of humor. Makes me laugh. 😀


hmm.. sch-pro?


spongebob, yeeeees.

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD