Got fucking towed
Monday, September 9, 2002 1:30 am

I don't give a shit. You can call it "towing" all you want. It doesn't change the fact that I just got my car stolen. It doesn't belong to these fucks but they go ahead and load it up on the back of their truck and steal it. And then to add gravy, they hold it ransom and tell me I can't have it back until I give them $86.25, and if I leave it there until tomorrow, oh! its gonna be $104.50!

So here's the story. I have to warn you though, its a really short story since I was only parked in non-visitor for 45 MINUTES. My friend Arash called me to come watch a movie over at Justin's house. I had just gotten back from swimming at the rec so I was like "aight." So I go over to the University Commons and Arash tells me to just go ahead and park right next to him, which I do. We didn't even end up watching a movie cause it was kinda late so we watched TV for a little while, ate some ice cream, and then me and Arash excused ourselves. We get out to the parking lot and he's like, "I thought you parked next to me," and I'm like, "You gotta be fucking kidding me."

So we call the number and the guy has my car, and we have to drive like halfway to fucking Huntsville to find this Body Shop place. And then the guy tells me that its gonna be $86.25 in cash in exact change in order to get my car back. There's no ATMs within a radius of this place out in the middle of nowhere so we drive back to Harvey & Hwy 6. I get 80 bucks out of the ATM and Arash loans me $6.25 and we drive all the way back to the Body Shop. I suppose the guy was nice enough about it, and I thought I was rather level headed about the whole proposition considering I'd just gotten my car stolen. I paid him, he gave me my car, and I drove home. Its now 1:30am. The only plus is that my first class tomorrow isn't until 12:40 so the extra hour and a half tacked onto my night won't be that big of a deal. That is such freaking bullshit.

Apparently they're always lenient about visitor parking at University Commons. I mean, hell, Arash was parked right next to me and he didn't get towed. But the guy said a lot of residents on this particular night had been complaining about not being able to park. So he went out and started pullin' cars. It was especially neat how the first 10 spots on the row were visitor, then there were like 6 non-visitor, and then the rest of them were, again, visitor. So its like they're trying to bait people into getting their cars stolen. The whole thing is just a load of horse shit.

Naturally, I have to thank Arash for both the $6.25 and for the ride out to BFE. He was complaining about not being mentioned on my webpage, but I assured him, this would cement him a place in history. Needless to say, IF I ever go back to University Commons, I'll be extra careful about where I park. Now all I have to do is call my Dad and tell him about this, which will be fun since he's just informed me that I now owe him hundreds of dollars I don't have. Ugh. Money sucks. Please send your donations c/o SideshoViD. Thanks and GIG THIS!

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Nazi towing bastards… It can’t be too illegal to slash the tow truck’s tires every night for month or so can it? They say violence never solved anything, but I think World War II proved that theory wrong.


I think everyone gets their car towed at least once in their life. It only took me one time to teach me what to do. Bastards.


Wow kiddo- I’m glad to finally seal my place on It’s about damn time, shit. I sent a lot of my friends the link, but they didn’t really care. oh well, fuck them, AND the towing people.


The stealing of poor innocent cars—it’s happening to the young and “old.” I, too, learned the hard way—I didn’t see the fine print on the sign wayyyy up there! Ya, right! I just wanted to get to the club and dance (don’t tell Al). And, with only 10 dollars to my name, my car went AWOL/stolen!!! And, in Dallas the towing company is in Garland somewhere or maybe it was Wylie.
I think we need to investigate the politics of towing companies.


I share your sentiments about tow truck drivers and companies ViD. Number one, they are leaches. Go make a real living you lazy bastards! Two, how, and I do mean, how, can it be legal for someone to move or posess your property without a trial. Sounds like some aristocratic bullshit if you ask me. I hope your blog sends a message to readers world wide, towing must stop. We must fight these rogue bastards, and the sooner the better.

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD