Thursday, August 1, 2002 4:24 pm

All I ever do: class, study, sleep, class, study, sleep, class, study, sleep. And if you believe that, I've got some ocean-front property in Arizona I'd like to sell you. But seriously folks, I do feel like I'm stuck in a bit of a rut, although it includes a lot less "class, study, sleep" and a lot more "beer, shots, wells." So I decided to go home to Plano tomorrow. That way, I can hang out with the parents, go swimming, tanning and play some ping pong. I can use some of my free time to study for my polisci test on Monday, and I can catch up and hang out with some old friends I haven't seen all summer. I think its a flawless plan. There's really not much else to report at this time.

Oh, and Joseph, try reading the damn blog. My email address doesn't work because its changed. It's now Is anyone else confused?

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Gee whiz, I guess I owe you an apology. Sorry ViD.


Thats quite alright, Joseph. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD