Weekend drunken fun
Saturday, June 29, 2002 3:17 pm

God, what a hangover that was. I'm not sorry to see it go. I decided to sleep it off this time instead of dealing with it. I just woke up and its like 3:00pm. Gotta love the weekends. Last night we hosted a little get together at the Green Monster. Allison Delerie and her boyfriend Jamie came over as well as Todd and Ryan's friend David from Arlington. Later in the night my friend Allison came over after she got off work. And the final two guests were Erica and Zach. Erica is from Ryan's logic class and Zach was visiting her from Austin. It was a grand ol' time. All I know now is that I spent the morning in bed drinking water to alleviate a splitting headache and there must be about 100 bottles strewn about the apartment tonight. I ain't sorry though, like I said, it was a blast. I'm not sure whats on the menu for tonight, but I'll let you all know about it later. Peace out.

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David Garcia

It’s pretty cool. I got mentioned in the site…Keep it up!!!!




hey vid… what’s up sucka? man, i am at work right now and holy shit is it boring. i always end up surfing the web all day and i can’t believe that i’ve worked here for this long and not visited your site yet at work. ’twill be a good way to pass the time.

right. so… on to further business. do you know what tonite is? a certain someone is on a certain show and we had a certain scheme… no doubt you remember. all i have to say is… don’t call me between nine and eleven. phone’s gonna be all tied up. well, i’m going to mosey on out of here. peace out… good luck tonight ruining dreams.

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