Oh boy
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 2:26 pm

I need to check the syllabi to my classes more often. I come to find out today that I have a speech due tomorrow in SCOM and a huge homework due in STAT. We'll see how much of each one of those I can get done. I'll certainly work on the speech first since its worth gobs more than a homework assignment.

The speech has to be over a concept or a process dealing with my major. I'm not sure. I was thinking of doing cell phones, but they're not really a concept nor a process. My major kind of sucks for this particular speech because everything we do is highly technical and very jargon-based. And those are two things we're supposed to shy away from when giving a speech. We'll see. I've already accumulated 22/25 points available thus far, so if I can get another good grade on this speech, I'll be sitting pretty.

In other news, living with a dog is really starting to get on my nerves. It was obnoxious at first, then got tolerable, and has now been upgraded to disgusting. This dog sheds everywhere, stinks like hell, and lays wherever the fuck he wants, including my bed. And I get shit when I kick him off my bed, because I generally literally kick him off my bed. I sprayed some carpet deodorizer yesterday but it doesn't help much if you're laying on a pillow that smells like dog. That is definitely on thing I will NOT miss when I move into Medina.

Oh and btw, Medina RULES!

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I must have missed the part about you getting a dog. Clue me in, please.

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