Sunday, May 19, 2002 10:56 am

Well, in a random act of sponteneity (is that redundant?) I've decided to go to the most exciting state in the Union, Oklahoma! My sister called last night and I talked to her for a little while and she said, "When are you going to come visit us [her and her husband] and see our new house?" To which I replied, "How about tomorrow?" So I have my little bag packed and I'm leaving as soon as I get done typing this to go to somewhere near downtown OKC. I dunno why, I'm just gonna be put to work as soon as I get there cause they're still in the process of moving.

Alas, it will give me a little bit of a change from the rut I've already managed to get myself into in Plano. This town is so BORING. My god, I can't wait to get back to CS, I just wish I had a place to live. Whoo ahhhh, see you cats later.

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