We have entered what I affectionately like to call "Go Time." Go Time can mean a lot of different things, but in this particular instance, it means that I have to study the hell from now until May 8th. No more fun for me. Yesterday, for instance, I went to class from 8-10, then it was right to a computer lab to work on my microcontroller for about 3 hours. I started falling asleep so I went home and took a 2 hour nap. After the nap I woke up and worked on the Argentina website for a couple of hours before open lab hours took effect. That was 4 hours. Then I was exhausted so I went home and fell asleep. I woke up at 1pm today. Is my body trying to tell me something?
I hate when it does that cause I always just ignore it anyway. Oh yeah, and I got my circuit analysis test back yesterday ... 103. Circuits, you can't HOLD me back. And circuits? I'm just gettin' started. I think I had something poignant to say and thats why I started blogging, but now I can't remember what it was. Oh well, just imagine I said something really insightful [here]. Thanks and gig this.