Today, I thought I'd share with you all a fan letter I received today. It's from my older brother's friend, Tim Frankert. For a long time he's really idolized me, which is kind of flattering, yet sad at the same time. I know he visits my site like every day, so I thought you all might like to read what he had to say, and what I had to say back to him.
Subj: you suck
dear mr. stupidhead (and i use the term mr. loosely)
your site is worthless without the techno-stylings of stephen p fisher. if
you do not post the techno-stylings of
stephen p fisher soon, i will tell my friends not to visit your site
anymore. and for gods sake take that lame
freshman esque picture of you drinking a beer off of the front of the page,
it doesn't make me think you are cool
billy jack smith
Subj: Re: you suck
Dear Frankert,
Initially while reading your email, I thought that perhaps your approval was important to me. It was when I reviewed the header and realized it was from the likes of you, I had to chuckle to myself. Your opinion is worthless, as it always has been. Absolutely worthless to everybody. I'm sorry for having to tell you this, I know your mediocrity in life has always plagued your self esteem (or lack thereof) but I felt it had to be said. If you want me to think you are cool, perhaps you should continue to visit your friend's little brother's webpage regularly. Loser.
I know he'll enjoy his little shout out on my page. He's so weird. Anyway, I'll be drinkin like a freshman tonight, so I'll see you all tomorrow. Have a good parents weekend.