On a lark yesterday, as I sat in my green leather throne watching Food Network with my laptop in hand, I decided to see if I could find a grocery delivery website. Duh, Albertsons.com! This is the greatest concept I have ever been privy to. You log onto their website and shop either through virtual aisles, alphabetically, or search for brands and products. Then you put them into your shopping cart. And naturally every item has a picture next to it. And then when you've got everything you need, you order it with your credit card and then choose a window of time when you will be home. Since they deliver perishable items, you have to be there to get it. They said they'd be here from 1 to 2:30, and at straight up 1, the delivery guy was at the call box.
The best part was, I had about 8 bags of groceries and I didn't have to lift a finger to get them. I didn't have to get in my car or drive to the store. I didn't have to push a squeaky cart with one fucked up wheel through and around the soccer moms who close their eyes when they walk. I didn't have to wait in line or scan my own items. I didn't have to swipe my own card. And thank you jebus, I didn't have to carry those bags up the stairs in two or three trips.
I encourage all of you to log on and see if the service is available to you. The first delivery was free. Subsequent deliveries are 10 dollars but that is SO worth it to me. You can also do pick up and pay 5 bucks for that. They gather it all together for you, and you've already paid for it online. So cool. Congratulations, Albertsons, you have officially made my fucking day. This, along with Netflix, is getting me nearer my goal of never doing anything for myself ... ever.