Friday, March 22, 2002 6:31 pm

WRITE IN DAVID FISHER FOR SENIOR YELL! Howdy-dee Ags, got a little campaign update for you. This are going really well, the support I've felt has been incredible. I never expected to be so popular a candidate. If you look to your left, you'll see my new campaign poster. You have to put your mouse over it to see the rest of the image. That's my campaign slogan, "GIG THIS" and it is accompanied by a lude thumbs down toward the crotch. If you see your friends on campus, give them a friendly "GIG THIS."

Also, thanks to everyone who has placed a link to my website (which is fast becoming campaign headquarters). Especially CalfRoper777. If you would like to support my campaign on your website, please cut and paste the following code into your site:

<a href="http://www.sideshovid.com"><img src="http://www.sideshovid.com/main_election.gif" width=234 height=302 border=0 alt="WRITE IN DAVID FISHER FOR SENIOR YELL!"></a>

If you would like to help but don't have a website (or even if you do) here's what I'm asking everyone to do. Anytime another candidate or their supporters campaigns to you, ie tries to give you a flier, yells at you across campus, has a sign on their car or even shoe polish, if they're wearing a tshirt or have a button on their bag ... give them a big THUMBS DOWN.

Thanks, and GIG THIS!

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