So here's the skinny. I've decided to leave Plano because I'm bored. Tomorrow morning I am heading to San Antonio to see Kevin. I haven't seen him in FOREVER so that should be tonz of fun. It's ONLY LIKE A 5 HOUR DRIVE, so I'm not skurred. Plus, the whole way is on I35, so whassup. I'm going to stay there until Tuesday or Wednesday and then I'm heading back to sweet home College Station.
I'm moving in with Ryan and Todd into their new duplex on the 30th. Classes start June 3rd. KISS party is June 8 (Does anyone want to go, btw ... Colleen got 3 tickets and only two of us are going. Let me know.) So thats my sched for now.
Is anyone even reading this? If you are, give me a shoutout sometime. Laaaaaaate.