Skippin Class
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 8:52 pm

I had a fairly good day. I stayed up until 2am last night working on my speech, and then woke up this morning around 7:30 to finish it. Finish it I did, and its not too bad either. The intro and conclusion are good, but the body needs a little work. I'm planning on giving the speech impromptu though since its over the Semiconductor Process, which I know everything there is to know about. I give that speech on Friday, the same day I take my Stat test. That day's going to suck. Stats is hard, I'm sorry. I know I don't try, but still, its ridiculous. I hate challenges.

I skipped today to finish up the homework I didn't have a chance to do, but I ended up falling asleep on a table in Evans Library. I got like half of it done. I think I understand it, but I won't know until tomorrow during the review. Ugh, tomorrow's really goin to suck. My roommates are going to Shadow Canyon tonight and I can't go because I have too much to do. But it'll pay off. Till then, you have nots, keep it real.

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P.S. I uploaded a new song of the day.

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