Sorry for the break, I've been a bit busy. As you may or may not know, there is only one more day left in this summer session and then its time for
- A 5 day weekend
- July 4th
- My 21st Birthday
God, this is going to be the best weekend of my life. But first, I have to finish a project for my speech class and take a final for my stat class. Hopefully neither of them will be too hard. The final project isnt' actually due for another week after class ends, and the stat final is tomorrow morning. So I'm going to spend tonight getting my 6 ... yes I said 6 ... cheat sheets together for my stat final. 6 sheets of 8.5x11 paper on which I can write whatever the hell I want. This class is ridiculous. If I had applied myself at all these past couple weeks this final would be a breeze. But as it were, I'm going to need all 6 sheets. Well, either that or study and work problems, but ... hahaha.
Thanks to everyone who left a comment on the last post. Especially David who enjoyed being mentioned so much I thought I'd do it again. And of course, Aushem who graciously informed us that David has a small penis. Check you cats later. Don't forget, only 4 more shopping days. And if you're interested in an Independence Day Beer-B-Q, contact me sometime before then. Czech you later, skillets.