Howdy everybody. I am in the SCC right now to write up a paper over the Symphony that I attended on Sunday. I have to have it done within 5 days of the concert or else he won't accept the paper. So I thought I would get it out of the way. I am going to open lab at 5 so I won't have a chance to go home today, which always sucks. However, I will be going to Northgate after open lab probably around 9 or 9:30. If you would like to grab a beer with me tonight, meet me at MadHatters. I'll be at the bar. A few big news stories today, so lets dive right in.
First off, my new shoes look so good. However, they are tearing my feet to shreds. I have like 3 major blisters on each foot. You know how Sketchers are though, they take some serious breaking in. So I'm gonna grin and bear it today (not that I have a choice) maybe not wear them tomorrow but then continue to wear them every day until they are comfortable. But like I said, they look damn good, and thats what really matters.
I just came from my Circuit Design class. We got our tests back. I know I claimed to have aced it and then later retracted that statement. Anyway, I got a 92, which was the highest grade in the class. The average was a straight up 70, so basically I kicked the shit out of it. The sad part is, 4 of the points I missed were off reading a spec sheet. Which means looking at a sheet of paper, reading values and transferring them to the answer blank. I'd never looked at a spec sheet though, like I was supposed to have so I didn't have a clue how to read the thing. The other 4 points were just minor deductions here and there either for a stupid mathmatical mistake or not plugging in the correct given values. He really grades on method though, so he only takes off one point for the wrong answer as long as you got the wrong answer correctly. Anyway, I was totally pleased with the outcome there.
Finally, congratulations to my roomie, Kieffer Sutherland for making it into the Battalion today. Thats our school newspaper for those of you who don't know. The article was entitled "Going once, going twice ..." and it was about the auction of Lost & Found items at the MSC. Here now is the excerpt of the article that mentioned Keith:
Keith Kovalic, a junior English major, enjoys the thrill of shopping. He says he would rather compete with others for purchases verses the traditional method of shopping. Like many Americans, he has become entrenched in the auctioning craze that has been sweeping the nation for the last several years. "In online auctions, I have bought DVDs for a dollar, CDs for a penny and an 8-by-6 inch Harley Davidson belt buckle for five bucks," Kovalic said. "Because stuff at auctions is so cheap, I feel obligated to buy it." Students such as Kovalic can bid against other Aggies at the MSC Hospitality's Lost and Found Auction on Wed., Oct. 16. The auction will be held in the MSC Flagroom, MSC from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
That Keith! He sure does enjoy the thrill of shopping. Why just the other day he was telling me how thrilled he was to have gone to the mall to do some shopping. You ought to see him when he shops ... so thrilled. Thanks to Emily Vincent for her wonderful article.
That about sums up all the excitement of today. I will see you all at MadHatters tonight. Thanks and gig this.