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Sunday, October 20, 2002 6:24 pm

Good to be back, folks. I had an uneventful, typical Plano weekend. First I got home and ate a leftover calzone from the fridge while I chilled with the parentals. Then they went to bed, and I watched TV until I fell asleep. The next day I went to see my friend Jenny Cole. She just had knee surgery, and as you all know, I am especially sensitive to that fact, so I hung out with her all day. She was the reason that I went home in the first place, although other reasons (like getting my winter coat) came up too. We went to Wal-Mart to buy her a new CD player and then to the movies. We saw Tuck Everlasting. Keep in mind, dear readers, that Tuck Everlasting was not my first choice. However, you would have to know Jenny Cole in order to realize how impossible it was for us to find a movie the both of us wanted to see. It was a strange flick, but overall I wasn't disappointed that I spent money to see it. I won't be rushing the theater to see it again any time soon though.

After that, we both went out to dinner with my parents. We went to BD's Mongolian BBQ. It was a strange place. You went thru this line and picked out raw meat and vegetables, and then poured oil and sauce on these raw ingredients, and then waited in line for them to cook it. And when they were done they handed it back to you. It was all you could eat for $12.99. All in all it was pretty good once we figured out what the hell was going on. I stuffed myself on way too much food in order to screw the restaurants out of any profit they might have tried to make. After that I took Jenny home and she taught me how to play gin, and I was really good at it. I was glad to go entertain her since she came to see my crippled ass a lot two summers ago when I went under the knife. At least she only had one knee done so she can get around pretty well with crutches. Then today I went to church, gag me, and then to the mall with my parents. We ate at Chili's, bought a VCR, realized there was no Structure for me to buy pants at, and then went home. Then I drove back to College Station and I just walked in the door. Oh how I love my loyal viewers. Hope you all had a good weekend that was as relaxing as mine.

As for me, I have a symphony test tomorrow as well as a lab due, so I must depart and get started on all the shit that I've got left to do. Catch you have nots on the flip side. Peace.

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Good luck on the Symphony test ViD. I too have a couple tests this week. Remember tomorrow morning to Carpe Diem! and seize the day!

Steal whatever you want :::: ©2005 SideshoViD