New Years Day 2003
Wednesday, January 1, 2003 4:14 pm

Happy New Year! Welcome to the year 2003, WHOOP! Today is an absolutely gorgeous day outside so I thought I'd waste it by playing Grand Theft Auto all day. I'm getting pretty far in the game, and its so damn addictive. So you wanna know what happened last night? Well I'll tell you. First I went and actually bought alcohol. That almost never happens, and wouldn't you know it, we barely touched it. I had a beer before we left and I think Ryan had a beer and that was it. So I'm set for a while. First I went to Northgate with Brandon, Allison, and Ryan. We started at 315. We saw the guy make some flaming Dr Peppers. It was incredible. He had the shot resting on top of the rim of the beer glasses, and then he took a lighter and a mouthful of 151 and sprayed this massive fireball and lit all three shots and then knocked them into the glasses. It was tres cool. Then we tried MadHatters but it basically sucked.

So we decided around 11:00 to try Hurricane Harry's. I have not been there since my freshman year, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. They were playing good music, not kicker shit. They had free champagne and a free buffet, so we partook in both of those. At midnight they played the Fight Song, which was pretty cool. We ended up leaving without Allison who found her own ride home. I'm sorry, but you'll have to hear that story from her, its not really mine to share. *WINK*

In other news, I talked to my professor about that unexplained C that I got in his class and he said it was a straight up mistake, it was supposed to be an A, so that's taken care of. Then I asked him if he needed a webpage guy next semester and he said he would rather I was a TA. Its kind of flattering for him to tell me he wants me to work for him, so naturally I did not decline. I have an appointment with him tomorrow to talk it over and see which class I want to TA for. I just need to make sure my chemistry class doesn't conflict with either of them. Hopefully it won't. Anywho, Happy New Year again. Your homework assignment today is to post your New Years Resolutions on the comment board. Mine is the same as it is every year: to be more open and honest with my opinion. Haaaa. I know its not the most noetic resolution, but its worked for me thus far. End of Line.

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my new years resolution is to stop procrastinating so goddamn much, and break all my resolutions today!


Quit standing on my head

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