Crazy McDonalds Drive Thru Experience
Friday, January 3, 2003 5:42 pm

I'm sure more important things have happened to me in the past two days, but there is only one thing that I want to talk about and I am absolutely dying to tell you all this story. It starts off with Allison getting home for her hour long break from work. She said she wanted ice-cream but didn't have a lot of time, so we went right over to 32 Degrees on Southwest. The lady working there was so nice, she really made our selection process a joy. I got a raspberry cheesecake shake. Yeah, it wasn't very good, but thats my fault ... the ice cream by itself was incredible. Anywho, we decide to sit outside on the bench since it was a nice day ... the bench facing McDonalds.

Ok this is where the story really gets good. We see this fat old woman dressed from head to toe in all white walking away from the shopping strip into the parking lot. Her cart is just filled with bags and shit and we both kinda laughed at just the sight of her ... because we're evil. Anyway, then she almost gets hit by a car and we laugh again ... again, because we're evil. Then she stops in the middle of the parking lot and we are like 'Where is she going?' cause she's nowhere near a car. And she rearranges the contents of her cart so that these two plants wrapped in shiny shit are up on top. I'm thinking she's gonna walk herself all the way home with that cart ... but I was wrong.

She makes a turn and pulls into the McDonalds drive-thru HAHAHAHAHAHA. By this time we're laughing uncontrollably. Allison even busted out crazy laugh and she almost never does that. The crazy old lady was behind like two cars just calmly waiting her turn at the window ... it was so damn funny. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it. Then she finally gets up to the window and I guess she just asked them a question cause she didn't order anything, and she pulled onto the sidewalk and walked out of our lives but not before brightening both of our days. So to you, crazy lady, I say thank you.

Anyway, it was one of those situations where I was like 'Damn, I wish I had a digital camera right now so I could share this on the blog.' But since I do not have a digital camera, friends, I went to the trouble of recreating the scene in photoshop. This is a pretty accurate representation but NOWHERE near as funny as the real deal.

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dude, that is awesome. i guess she didn’t wanna leave her cart unattended. i wouldn’t either, with such pretty flowers in it and all…




…so good i had to read it twice.

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