Workin 9 to 5
Thursday, January 9, 2003 7:01 pm

I'm officially a workin' man. I've been going to work from 9-5 the past two days. What a way to make a livin'. Its actually been kind of fun. Its all stuff I'm used to doing except this time I'm getting paid to do it. We'll see how 'fun' my responsibilities are when school starts and I start having my own shit to take care of. You might have noticed the little design change here. I decided its time for a little bit of anonymity. Because I use my website to store files for class, and had two classes each with teams, it ends up that my url is in the history of every computer in Thompson. That makes it likely someone will stumble upon it. Since I don't talk about the most academic topics every day, at least this way it won't be blaringly obvious that its my page.

Speaking of academic, last night I stopped off at Ryan and Todd's to see Todd cause he just got home. They were going to Northgate and I decided to go along. It was also Steve-o's 21st birthday, Happy Birthday, Steve-o!, so I hung out with him too. We started out at the Library but ended up at Mad Hatters. I really didn't drink much cause I knew I had to get up early this morning for work. Steve-o on the other hand ... well, lets just say he did it right. I don't think there was a single person on Northgate who didn't hear him say, 'It'sss mah birtthhh... day..." Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to work again and then its just a matter of time until school starts, at which time I will disappear from the face of the earth. I shall miss you all though. End of Line.

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