First week of school
Sunday, January 19, 2003 12:37 pm

Okay, fine, I'll update. Obviously there's a lot to talk about ... something in the order of 7 blogs worth, but I'm just gonna try and pick the creme de la creme for you all to read about. The first week of school wasn't so bad. In fact, it was downright okay. I taught two lab sections. That was actually pretty fun. The first lab was really easy and everyone got it done in lab. Next week I start having to do help desk hours Tuesday morning, and open lab hours Thursday nights. Its gonna suck, but whatev.

My classes that I'm taking all have really cool professors. One of them just got tenure recently so he no longer cares about grades and evaluations and stuff. In that class we're going to be working with a $2 million dollar Teradyne chip tester. Its the same one they use in industry, but someone donated one to us so we could learn how to use it before we graduate. Then they spend less training us monkeys to work for them. I could maybe see myself doing that. Maybe not. That class is called Mixed Signal Testing. I think I'm going to like it. My other professor that teaches Mobile Platforms is just the coolest man alive. He carries his cell phone in his boot. I don't really think I have to say anything else about him. I really enjoy his lectures. They've been informative and incredibly entertaining thus far. My team in that class are all guys who are working for the department, so we don't have any trouble meeting. I worked up a formal resume, and then we all editted it with input from a lot of people, and then we all went to kinko's to print it. Don't ever go to Kinko's I hate those bastards. Anyways, its looks incredible. I have to work on a website for us soon. My final class is some software programming class. I'm not really sure. But we have a brand new prof for it. He's never taught at A&M before. The first day, he walks in and hands out hte syllabus ... and he's this little asian guy. And he says "herro i be yo professa thees semesta" and he's got the thickest accent ever. And he continues on this way through the whole syllabus until he finally says "can you aw undastand me? if you no can undastand then would it help if I talked normally?" Right, so the whole accent was completely fake. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. So I immediately liked him. I think its shaping up to be an incredibly busy, but really good semester. We'll have to see if I share those sentiments a couple months down the road. But hopefully I will. I hope everyone else had a great first week. Share with us any stories you might have.

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Ryan Hudler

I have one request regarding the word of the day…Could you also include the pronunciation of the word also? For example is it FAN-TODD? Or FAIN-TOID? Or what. Please address this problem at your earliest convience.

Ryan Hudler

Please do not grammar cop me on that last comment.


I hate Kinko’s also.
Thanks and goodnight.


Its as though we were all fans of Todd … which we are, of course. The pronunciation is [fan*tod]. And I’ll let you off with a warning this time.

Punk Rock Dork

hey dude, that’s a killer song of the day. it makes me want to get punktasic with myself. it would be cool if our music changed beats a little bit…nah nan nan nah, nah ,nah ,nah…

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