Well, here it is, without warning ... a little something I like to call SideshoViD.com Version 8. I woke up this morning, decided I didn't want to go to work but that instead I wanted to redo my webpage, and I did just that. Its almost midnight now and I'm just finishing up. So far this layout has been met with mixed reviews, but I don't care, I like it. SVC has always been about metamorphoses and reinvention. Who wants the same old webpage version after version just in different colors? I always try to take a radical departure from each of my old layouts.
Anyway, hopefully some of you find this one at least the smallest bit amusing. Leave me some comments and let me know what you think. I'm about to go watch a movie with Allison now but she is already drunk because she graduated college today. Yay. Congrats to her. Later, have nots.